Structured Light and Its Applications
eBook - ePub

Structured Light and Its Applications

An Introduction to Phase-Structured Beams and Nanoscale Optical Forces

David L. Andrews

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  1. 400 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Structured Light and Its Applications

An Introduction to Phase-Structured Beams and Nanoscale Optical Forces

David L. Andrews

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Über dieses Buch

New possibilities have recently emerged for producing optical beams with complex and intricate structures, and for the non-contact optical manipulation of matter. Structured Light and Its Applications fully describes the electromagnetic theory, optical properties, methods and applications associated with this new technology. Detailed discussions are given of unique beam characteristics, such as optical vortices and other wavefront structures, the associated phase properties and photonic aspects, along with applications ranging from cold atom manipulation to optically driven micromachines.

Features include:

  • Comprehensive and authoritative treatments of the latest research in this area of nanophotonics, written by the leading researchers
  • Accounts of numerous microfluidics, nanofabrication, quantum informatics and optical manipulation applications
  • Coverage that fully spans the subject area, from fundamental theory and simulations to experimental methods and results

Graduate students and established researchers in academia, national laboratories and industry will find this book an invaluable guide to the latest technologies in this rapidly developing field.

  • Comprehensive and definitive source of the latest research in nanotechnology written by the leading people in the field
  • From theory to applications - all is presented in detail
  • Editor is Chair of the SPIE Nanotechnology Technical Group and is leading the way in generation and manipulation of complex beams

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