Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Volume 4
eBook - ePub

Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Volume 4

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Nicolas Patin

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  1. 216 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Volume 4

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Nicolas Patin

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Über dieses Buch

If the operation of electronic components switching scheme to reduce congestion and losses (in power converters in general and switching power supplies in particular), it also generates electromagnetic type of pollution in its immediate environment.

Power Electronics for Industry and Transport, Volume 4 is devoted to electromagnetic compatibility. It presents the sources of disturbance and the square wave signal, spectral modeling generic perturbation. Disturbances propagation mechanisms called "lumped" by couplings such as a common impedance, a parasitic capacitance or a mutual and "distributed constant", for which the spatial-temporal character must be taken into account, are also covered.

This book also provides spectral analysis among other items that contain inequality Heisenberg-Gabor, very useful for understanding the spread spectrum PWM type signals.

  • Introducing essential notions in power electronics from both theoretical and technological perspectives
  • Detailed chapters with a focus on electromagnetic compatibility
  • Presented from a user's perspective to enable you to apply the theory of power electronics to practical applications

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Introduction to EMC


All operational electrical or electronic devices produce interference, which may affect the operation of the device itself and/or that of nearby electrical or electronic equipment. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is a domain which is concerned with the coupling of devices and aims to use all possible means to guarantee the “harmonious” operation of a set of nearby, or coupled, equipment. EMC may be compared to a set of rules for “peaceful coexistence”, and is based on a set of standards that must be respected. EMC includes both a scientific aspect, which consists of studying the way in which a device interferes with (or pollutes) its environment, via different types of connections to the “victims”, and a standardization aspect, concerning the specification of acceptable thresholds for interference emission, and of sensitivity thresholds at victim level.
Conducted interference
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Gaussian model
Heisenber-Gabor inequality
Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs)
Optimal switching
Static electricity
Transil diodes

1.1 Problems and definitions

All operational electrical or electronic devices produce interference, which may affect the operation of the device itself and/or that of nearby electrical or electronic equipment. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is a domain which is concerned with the coupling of devices and aims to use all possible means to guarantee the “harmonious” operation of a set of nearby, or coupled, equipment. EMC may be compared to a set of rules for “peaceful coexistence”, and is based on a set of standards that must be respected. EMC includes both a scientific aspect, which consists of studying the way in which a device interferes with (or pollutes) its environment, via different types of connections to the “victims”, and a standardization aspect, concerning the specification of acceptable thresholds for interference emission, and of sensitivity thresholds at victim level.
The nature of interacting equipment is highly variable. In some cases, elements are truly separate (for example, a television and a telephone); however, they may also form part of the same device (for example, the power supply and motherboard of a personal computer (PC)). Generally speaking, interference may propagate along electric wires (or PCB tracks): this is known as conducted interference. It may also propagate through empty space (i.e. air or a vacuum) in the case of radiated interference.
“Low-frequency” interference is essentially propagated toward victims by conduction, while higher frequencies are mostly propagated by radiation, as the use of filters allows us to prevent their propagation by conduction. This method is relatively cheap (or natural, given the inductive behavior of connection wires and, for example, the capacitive character of PCB tracks with ground and power supply planes). However, further study is required, as components (inductances and capacitors) are not always able to operate at the frequencies in question.
Conducted and radiated interference will be covered in detail in Chap...
