Everyday Troubles
eBook - ePub

Everyday Troubles

The Micro-Politics of Interpersonal Conflict

Robert M. Emerson

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eBook - ePub

Everyday Troubles

The Micro-Politics of Interpersonal Conflict

Robert M. Emerson

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Über dieses Buch

From roommate disputes to family arguments, trouble is inevitable in interpersonal relationships. In Everyday Troubles, Robert M. Emerson explores the beginnings and development of the conflicts that occur in our relationships with the people we regularly encounter—family members, intimate partners, coworkers, and others—and the common responses to such troubles.
To examine these issues, Emerson draws on interviews with college roommates, diaries documenting a wide range of irritation with others, conversations with people caring for family members suffering from Alzheimer's, studies of family interactions, neighborly disputes, and other personal accounts. He considers how people respond to everyday troubles: in non-confrontational fashion, by making low-visibility, often secretive, changes in the relationship; more openly by directly complaining to the other person; or by involving a third party, such as friends or family. He then examines how some relational troubles escalate toward extreme and even violent responses, in some cases leading to the involvement of outside authorities like the police or mental health specialists.
By calling attention to the range of possible reactions to conflicts in interpersonal relationships, Emerson also reminds us that extreme, even criminal actions often result when people fail to find ways to deal with trouble in moderate, non-confrontational ways. Innovative and insightful, Everyday Troubles is an illuminating look at how we deal with discord in our relationships.

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accusations, 30, 163, 167–79
defined, 168
complaints accenting moral wrongdoing
by casting self as victim, 175
by creating rules and agreements, 175–77
by discrediting motives and character, 171–75
through explicit formulations, 168–69
by framing behavior as heinous/intolerable, 169–71
by highlighting deceit and denial, 177–78
incompatibilities with joint efforts at correction, 166, 178–79
See also extreme responses; “moralizing” troubles
“action sets,” 135n1, 151–53
Åkerström, Malin, 65, 255
Alzheimer family caregiving interviews, 20
apologies, 116, 119, 120
arguments, 93–95, 96, 179n15
asymmetrical intervention, 226, 227 (fig. 2), 230
Attannuci, J., 88
Aubert, Vilhelm, 32, 205, 226
Austin, J. L., 58n11, 171
authoritative intervention in troubles
contrasts with informal intervention, 159n10, 206
“in-house” authoritative third parties, 207, 257
legal and professional third parties, 207
proactive vs. reactive intervention, 207
and the transformation of troubles, 206–7, 247–48
See also informal intervention; police intervention; psychiatric emergency teams
Baumgartner, M. P., 87, 87n9, 157–58, 160–61, 160n11, 180–81
Becker, Howard S., xxvi, 30, 213n3, 251, 251n2
Bittner, Egon, ix, 87, 209, 215, 215n4
Black, Donald, 30, 71n2, 85–86, 122, 131, 135n1, 138, 160–61, 160n11, 208n1, 209–10, 212, 215, 218, 223–24, 223n11, 226–29, 228n13
Blum, Nancy S., 79, 121–22, 1...
