Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World
eBook - PDF

Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World

Debasis Bagchi, Debasis Bagchi

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  1. 462 Seiten
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World

Debasis Bagchi, Debasis Bagchi

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Über dieses Buch

Globalization of the nutraceutical and functional food industries presents significant challenges, not the least of which is the regulatory variance between countries active in the marketplace. Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World has been written by eminent experts in the field with the specific intention of addressing these important considerations.

Beginning with insights into the scope, importance and growing opportunities in these industries, the book demonstrates the global scenario on the acceptance and demand for nutraceuticals and functional foods. It explores the regulatory hurdles and claim substantiation of these foods and dietary supplements, as well as the intricate aspects of manufacturing procedures.

Including regulations from South America, Canada, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Japan, Korea, China, India and Southeast Asia as well as the United States, Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World provides a valuable resource for understanding the key considerations of operating in this rapidly expanding area.

  • Overview of nutraceutical and functional food regulations around the world
  • Discusses the important of GRAS status and DSHEA regulations
  • Provides insight on quality manufacturing techniques, cGMP and standardized analytical techniques
  • Includes salient features on overcoming regulatory hurdles
  • Addresses the importance of safety, efficacy and human clinical studies for worldwide acceptance
  • Highlights anti-terrorism safety assurance through traceability
  • Explores the significance of intellectual property, trademark and branding on marketing

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