Public Sector Economics
eBook - PDF

Public Sector Economics

Made Simple

D. I. Trotman-Dickenson

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  1. 300 Seiten
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Public Sector Economics

Made Simple

D. I. Trotman-Dickenson

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Über dieses Buch

Public Sector Economics: Made Simple introduces the reader, step by step, clearly and methodically, to the concepts and principles of public sector economics. The functions and finance of central government, local authorities, and nationalized industries are examined within the framework of a national economy. Examples are given largely from the British economy but international comparisons are made. A large number of tables and diagrams are also provided so as to relate the theory to the real world. Comprised of 21 chapters, this book discusses the theory and practice of public finance, with emphasis on public expenditure, taxation, and the national debt. Fiscal policy with its economic, social, and political objectives is also considered and viewed in relation to monetary policy and prices and incomes policy. After an overview of economic systems and models, the book focuses on allocation of resources and provision of public goods; public expenditure in Britain; the theory of taxation and the tax system; taxes on income, profits, consumption, and capital; and taxable capacity, incidence of taxation, and the tax burden. Fiscal policy is analyzed in relation to economic growth, standard of living, and distribution of income and wealth. This monograph is intended for economists and students taking economics-related courses.

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