If You Can Doodle, You Can Paint
eBook - ePub

If You Can Doodle, You Can Paint

Transforming Simple Drawings into Works of Art

Diane Culhane

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  1. 112 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

If You Can Doodle, You Can Paint

Transforming Simple Drawings into Works of Art

Diane Culhane

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Über dieses Buch

The advice and exercises in If You Can Doodle, You Can Paint helps you dig into your creative life to find a style that is authentically yours.? If You Can Doodle, You Can Paintwas named one of Library Journal's Best Crafts & DIY Books of 2017! If You Can Doodle, Your Can Paint looks at the small, impromtudoodles we make on a daily basis as resources; treasures from which we can create full-sized paintings. Even if you don't consider yourself a doodler, the exercises and techniques in this book will give you a fun way to tap into your personal style.

The invitation starts with a pencil as you work through doodle assignments. Eventually, you will learn how to size up and combine these doodles into larger compositions. Then, you will begin mixing it up with watercolor paints and, finally, with acrylic paints.

In If You Can Doodle, You Can Paint we will:

  • Dig for treasure/doodle
  • Observe, arrange, and study
  • Make folded books for doodle-ready surfaces
  • Copy your images with hand/eye coordination
  • Scan and enlarge your doodles
  • Add color combinations with colored pencil and acrylic paint
  • Create compositional grid paintings, and
  • Create a large complete painting!

So what are you waiting for? Grab some pens and paints and get creative!

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Chapter 1
Some of the surfaces where doodles can land: paper cups, paper towels, envelopes, maps, old books, and cardboard.


Getting started is as simple as picking up a pencil and paper, but do not be limited by those materials. Try other surfaces and other forms of paper. You can doodle on your jeans or even on a T-shirt!


The list of art supplies for doodling is fairly basic, and chances are you already have many of them.


Drawing paper in any size, printer paper, watercolor paper, Okawara rice paper, cardstock, notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, or scrap paper of any type


Gel, ballpoint, water-soluble, permanent, all in various colors


B (soft) and H (hard) leads


In various types


Fine and ultra-fine tips; Copic markers, in various colors


Acrylics, acrylic paint markers

Painting surfaces

Wood panels, canvas

Application tools

Paintbrushes, paint rollers, squeegee, trowels

Textural tools

Sandpaper, scrapers


Glue sticks, blue tape, decorative washi tape, gel medium
Acrylic paint tubes
Acrylic markers
Copic markers
Prismacolor colored pencils
Ultra-fine tip markers
Pencils, pens, and markers


Collecting your doodles means mining your doodle history. Gathering what you already have and what you will continue to create will give you more information to expand upon. Play and explore. Find your favorite marks, the ones that you love, and see if there are images that keep repeating themselves. This reflection will set the stage for things to come.
Treasure hunt. Dig around, as if...
