Basque Firsts
eBook - ePub

Basque Firsts

People Who Changed the World

Vince J. Juaristi

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eBook - ePub

Basque Firsts

People Who Changed the World

Vince J. Juaristi

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Über dieses Buch

Throughout history, Basque men and women have made contributions in navigation, education, science, fashion, politics, and many other fields. Too often these achievements have been overlooked, or have been claimed as the accomplishments of others. Basque Firsts: People Who Changed the World profiles seven remarkable Basques who were the first in their fields to do something—something extraordinary—that had a dramatic impact on others who followed them. The profiles use primary sources to tell fresh stories and offer a wonderful variety, showing the astonishing breadth of Basque contributions. They include Juan Sebastían Elcano, the first person to circumnavigate the earth; St. Ignatius of Loyola, the first Jesuit to seed a worldwide movement in education; Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the Father of Neurology and a Nobel laureate; Cristóbal Balenciaga, the king of haute couture; Paul Laxalt, one of Ronald Reagan's closest friends in politics; and Edurne Pasaban, the first woman to climb the world's fourteen tallest mountains. Basque Firsts provides a rare look at a culture's people, revealing the significant contributions they have shared.

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Al filo de lo imposible (Basque TV program), 157, 160, 164
Alcala, 37
Alecop cooperative, 114
Alfonso (king), 63, 65
Amsterdam Island, 20
Annapurna (mountain), 168, 169
Aquino, Corazon, 138-139
Araoz, Antonio, 47-48
Arizmendiarrieta, José María, 100, 119; bicycle, 107; childhood, 110; death, 119; economic theories, 103-104; founding of Caja Laboral Popular bank, 109-110; founding of Ikerlan, 119; founding of Professional Polytechnic School, 104-105; founding of ULARCO, 115-116; founding of Ulgor, 107; legal research, 109; priesthood, 102-103; Spanish Civil War, 109-110, 122n5; sports, 103; women, 114. See also worker cooperatives
Armada de Molucca: Atlantic crossing, 10-13; Cape of Good Hope passage, 20-21; crew, 10; Moluccas arrival, 18; Moluccas departure, 19-20; mutiny, 11-12; Pacific crossing, 13-14; route of, 25; second armada, 26; Spain departure, 9; Spain return, 22-23; Strait of Magellan passage, 13. See also specific ships (Concepción, San Antonio, Santiago, Trinidad, Victoria)
art: influence on Balenciaga, 89-90
Arthur (king), 29, 31
Artiaga, Juan de, 37, 39
Ayerbe: Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 57
Baker, Howard, 130, 143
Balenciaga, Cristóbal, 97; apprenticeship in San Sebastián, 82; baby doll dress, 91-92, 91; bankruptcy, 84; barrel silhouette, 88, 91; Basque/Spanish influences, 89-90; childhood, 80-83; customer, 83-85, 95, 98n4; death, 96; designs, 79, 85, 88-93; envelope dress, 92; Fabiola wedding dress, 80, 81; first collection, 85; first salon, 83; models, 88; Paris, 84-87; privacy, 85-86, 89; relationship with Ramón Esparza, 89, 96; relationship with Vladimir Zawrorowski, 83-84, 89. See also Coco Chanel; Florette Chalot; Pierre Balmain; Christian Dior
Balmain, Pierre, 87, 98n5
banking. See Caja Laboral Popular
Barbosa, Duarte, 15
Barcelona, and Eneko Lopez, 34, 36; and Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 66
Basque country/provinces, x, xiii; independence movement, x;
Basque: Catholicism, xii; definition, x, 175; influence on Balenciaga, 89-90; influence on world, 175; oral tradition, 176; shipbuilding industry, 8; stubbornness, 175; work ethic, xiii
