At Pyramid Lake
eBook - ePub

At Pyramid Lake

Bernard Mergen

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eBook - ePub

At Pyramid Lake

Bernard Mergen

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Über dieses Buch

Pyramid Lake is one of the largest lakes in the Great Basin, the terminus of the Truckee River flowing from Lake Tahoe into northern Nevada. This desert oasis, with a surface area of nearly two hundred square miles, is a unique geological feature and was home to the Paiute for thousands of years before the arrival of explorer John C. Frémont in 1844.For the Paiute, it was a spiritual center that provided life-sustaining resources, such as the cui-ui, a fish unique to the lake and now endangered. For the ranchers and farmers who settled on tribal lands, the waters that flowed into it were necessary to raise cattle and crops. Mergen tells how these competing interests have interacted with the lake and with each other, from the Paiute War of 1860 to the present. The lake's very existence was threatened by dams and water diversion; it was saved by tribal claims, favorable court decisions, improved water laws, and the rise of environmentalism. At Pyramid Lake is about more than Indians and water wars, however. It is the story of railroads on the reservation and the role of federal, state, and private groups interested in sportfishing. It is about scientists, artists, and tourists who were captivated by the lake's beauty. Finally, it is also a story of the lake as a place of spiritual renewal and celebration. Mergen grew up near its shores in the 1940s and returned frequently through the years. In this cultural history, he combines his personal remembrances with other source material, including novels, poetry, newspaper and magazine journalism, unpublished manuscripts, and private conversations, to paint a fascinating portrait of one of Nevada's natural wonders.

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The page numbers below refer to the print version of the text, not the electronic version. Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Abe and Sue's Grocery (Nixon, NV), 193, 200, 205
Abraham, William R. “Abe,” 22324
Adams, Henry, 30, 147
Adams, Marion Hooper, 30
Alcatraz Island (CA): occupation by Indians, 70
Aleck, Albert, 52, 58, 60
Aleck, Ben, 3334, 253
Aleck, Benson, 247
alfalfa: origins of, 80; uses for, 15
Amaral, Anthony, 180
American Artist and Water Reclamation (USBR), 2013
American Folk Ballet, 4041
American Indian Movement (AIM), 70, 77
Anaho Island (Pyramid Lake), 14145, 151, 195
Anderson, Clinton, 52
Anderson, Ron, 224
Apache Indians, 215, 225
Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO), 64
Arlez, Jacques, 24950
Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 130, 141
Ballinger, Richard, 119
Banks, Dennis, 77
Bannock Indians, 30
Barger, Thomas C., 6465
Barnum, P. T., 17, 107
Barron, Terry, 140
Bean, Mary Cutlip, 108
Behnke, Robert, 129, 135
Bellow, Saul, 100102
benchland, 4748
Benson, Larry, 10, 255
Benson horse meat cannery and tannery, 180
Bidwell, Fort, 97, 100
Big Canyon (NV), 9798
Biltz, Norman, 67
Bingham, Will, 168, 183
Blackmer, Frances (Francesca) Frazier, 11516
Black Rock Desert, 217, 245
bottomland, 4748
Bowler, Alida, 36, 12425
Bradley, Bill, 9092
Brando, Marlon, 7677
Brink, Pamela Jane, 199201
Brother David, 101, 23442. See also Hughes, Gareth
Buchanan, Chester C., 80, 13435
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 12
Bull To...
