Great Basin Indians
eBook - ePub

Great Basin Indians

An Encyclopedic History

Michael Hittman

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eBook - ePub

Great Basin Indians

An Encyclopedic History

Michael Hittman

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Über dieses Buch

The Native American inhabitants of North America's Great Basin have a long, eventful history and rich cultures. Great Basin Indians: An Encyclopedic History covers all aspects of their world. The book is organized in an encyclopedic format to allow full discussion of many diverse topics, including geography, religion, significant individuals, the impact of Euro-American settlement, wars, tribes and intertribal relations, reservations, federal policies regarding Native Americans, scholarly theories regarding their prehistory, and others. Author Michael Hittman employs a vast range of archival and secondary sources as well as interviews, and he addresses the fruits of such recent methodologies as DNA analysis and gender studies that offer new insights into the lives and history of these enduring inhabitants of one of North America's most challenging environments. Great Basin Indians is an essential resource for any reader interested in the Native peoples of the American West and in western history in general.

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Note: Italicized pages refer to maps. Bold pages refer to encyclopedic entries.
abalone shells, 321, 322
accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), 3, 67, 298
Access Fund, 281
acculturation: anthropological studies, 1011; Ghost Dance of 1890 and, 134
Acorn Complex, 4344, 375
actors, 4
Adams, Alva, 103
Adovasio, James, 66, 68, 126
Adox, J. D., 239
“aerophones,” 18384
“Affiliated Ute Citizens,” 315
Agaidokado, 193
agreements: Brunot Agreement (1872), 7980; Brunot Agreement (1873), 8081; Indian Claims Commission Act and, 95; Kanosh and, 158; origin and legality of, 28. See also specific agreements
Aikens, C. Melvin, 125
aikup, 209
Alencaster, Joaquin de Real, 16
All-American Man (rock figure), 268
“Allen Canyon Ute,” 239
allotments, 4449; 1880 Treaty/Agreement with the Confederated Bands of Ute, 342; 1891 Treaty/Agreement with the Arapaho and Shoshone, 344; examples, 4549; Ignacio and the Southern Ute, 15051; provisions and consequences of, 4445; Red Cap's protest, 245; Smoky Valley Shoshone, 351; Spanish Forks Treaty and, 334; termination and, 49
Allred, Major James, 93
“alpine villages,” 4950, 38687
Alta Toquima, 4850
alternative energy resources, 33, 89
Altman, Henry, 276
Always Ready, 336
Ama-qui-em, 61
American Fur Company, 372
American hegemony period: emigrant trains, 2124; federal policies, 2832; fur trappers and explorers, 1821; Mormons and ’Mericats, 2426; reservations, treaties, and agreements, 2628
American Indian Athletic Hall of Fame, 154, 155
American Indian Capital Conference on Poverty (1964), 318
“American Indian Conference” (1961), 317
American Indian Hall of Fame, 169
American Indian Movement, 188, 293
American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 104, 276
Ammon, 365
AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry), 3, 67, 298
Anasazi, 5052, 86, 322, 323
Ancatash, 327
Aneth Oil Field, 89
Ang, 379
angake atega, 161
animal tales, 184, 208, 360
