Re-envisioning Remote Sensing Applications
eBook - ePub

Re-envisioning Remote Sensing Applications

Perspectives from Developing Countries

Ripudaman Singh, Ripudaman Singh

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  1. 329 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Re-envisioning Remote Sensing Applications

Perspectives from Developing Countries

Ripudaman Singh, Ripudaman Singh

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Über dieses Buch

Re-envisioning Remote Sensing Applications: Perspectives from Developing Countries aims at discussing varied applications of remote sensing, with respect to upcoming technologies with diverse themes. Organized into four sections of overlapping areas of research, the book covers chapters with themes related to agriculture, soil and land degradation studies; hydrology, microclimates and climate change impacts; land use/land cover analysis applications; resource analysis and bibliometric studies, culminating with future research agenda. All the topics are supported via case studies and spatial data analysis.


  • Provides the applications of remote sensing in all fields through varied case studies and spatial data analysis

  • Includes soil and land degradation, microclimates, and climate change impacts

  • Covers remote sensing applications in broad areas of agriculture, hydrology, land use/land cover change and resource analysis

  • Discusses usage of GPS-enabled smartphones and digital gadgets used for mapping and spatial analysis

  • Explores future research agenda for applications of remote sensing in post-COVID scenario

This book is of interest to researchers and graduate students in environmental sciences, remote sensing, GIS, agricultural scientists and managers, forestry scientists and managers, and water resources scientists and managers.

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CRC Press

Section III

Land Use/Land Cover Analysis Applications

9 Rural Land Transformation in Chandigarh Periphery

A Spatio-Temporal Analysis
Ravinder Singh and Ravinder Kaur
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Data Sources and Methodology
9.2.1 Classification Scheme for Land Use and Land Cover Analysis
9.2.2 Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection Analysis
9.3 Results and Discussion
9.3.1 Land Use and Land Cover: A Spatial View
9.3.2 Land Use and Land Cover Change: A Temporal View
9.3.3 Land Transformation Determinants of Land Transformation

9.1 Introduction

A rapid and unplanned expansion of a city into its periphery is a typical phenomenon of an urban landscape. It involves numerous transformation processes operating on the edges of large urban centers, such as transformation of existing rural settlements into urban settlements, thereby changing their land use, architecture, demography, land use management and even social structure. As the city expands its commercial, industrial and residential areas into the periphery, the land use transforms and becomes more complex over time. Agricultural land becoming converted into urban land uses is a common phenomenon, the rate of expansion of which is generally guided by centrifugal forces or the outward-expanding forces from the city and its impact/influence on the periphery. Land that is adjacent to the city boundary (along the highways and near the areas that are already developed or developing) is more susceptible to conversion.
Chandigarh, being the world’s first planned city, was planned to be a self-sufficient city, with the rural areas at its periphery intended for agricultural functions of dairy/poultry farming and agriculture/horticulture, so that the urban core could get a steady supply of vegetables, milk, food grains, eggs and meat products from its surroundings. Its architect, Le Corbusier, pointed out the importance of the periphery of Chandigarh, and that “the functions of the city and the periphery must not be interchanged, otherwise confusion and anarchy are sure to follow” (The new capital Periphery Control Act, 1952). In the original Periphery Control Act of 1952, the start of the periphery was marked as being 8 km distance from the city boundary but it was later extended to 16 km in 1962. The periphery of Chandigarh is a controlled area of 16 km in radius from the outer boundary of the Chandigarh administrative boundary, as enacted by the Punjab New Periphery Control Act. It is almost circular in shape and is part of two states (Punjab and Haryana). Most of this area is in Punjab (73%), with minor shares in Haryana (24%) and Chandigarh Union Territory (UT) (3%).
The periphery of Chandigarh extends from 76° 33’ 2.84” E in the West to 77° 1’ 4.708” E in the East and from 30° 32’ 5.906” N to 30° 55’ 25.004” N...
