Personality Types
eBook - ePub

Personality Types

Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery

Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

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  1. 544 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

Personality Types

Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery

Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

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Über dieses Buch

The definitive guide to using this ancient psychological system to gain self-knowledge and achieve personal growth—now expanded and revised. The Enneagram is an extraordinary framework for understanding more about ourselves. No matter from which point of view we approach it, we discover fresh conjunctions of new and old ideas. So writes Don Riso in this expanded edition of his classic interpretation of the Enneagram, the ancient psychological system used to understand the human personality. In addition to updating the descriptions of the nine personality types, Personality Types, Revised greatly expands the accompanying guidelines and, for the first time, uncovers the Core Dynamics, or Levels of Development, within each type. This skeletal system provides far more information about the inner tension and movements of the nine personalities than has previously been published. This increased specificity will allow therapists, social workers, personnel managers, students of the Enneagram, and general readers alike to use it with much greater precision as they unlock the secrets of self-understanding, and thus self-transformation. "No Enneagram teachers I've come across offer such a rich and dynamic picture of how each personality type expresses itself in the world, and the process by which we can move through progressive stages of psychological and spiritual growth."—Tony Schwartz, author of What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America

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Part I

Chapter 1

Understanding Personality Types

Know then thyself, presume not God to scan;
The proper study of mankind is man.
—Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man
What is the point of understanding personality types? Since everyone is unique, the idea of cramming people into categories seems odious. And even if personality types were somehow theoretically valid, they would probably be either too academic to be helpful in our daily lives or too vague to be meaningful—grab bags anyone can read anything into.
The Enneagram
Psychology has been wrestling with the problem of discovering a workable personality typology (a way of classifying human nature) which is accurate and practical, theoretically comprehensive and elegant. Beginning at least with Hippocrates in the fifth century B.C., Greek philosophers recognized that personality types exist in some form or other. However, no one has been able to discover the fundamental categories which human nature assumes, the basic personality types themselves.
Every psychological system has an organizing principle. If we look briefly at some other systems, we see, for example, that Freud’s three different character types emphasize the belief that psychic energy is fixated during early child development around the mouth, the anus, or the genitals. These fixations yield oral, anal, and phallic types which correspond to Enneagram types. Another Freudian approach to character types emphasizes the dominance of the ego, the id, or the superego in the personality. The latter is a more sophisticated application of Freud’s concepts, one which theorists have found difficult to apply, although it also correlates with the Enneagram, as we shall see.
Because an introductory book should be relatively simple, it is not possible to present all the complexities of the Enneagram here. Many of the most advanced, theoretical aspects of the Enneagram have either been omitted or touched on only briefly.

