Useful Captives
eBook - ePub

Useful Captives

The Role of POWs in American Military Conflicts

Daniel Krebs, Lorien Foote, Daniel Krebs, Lorien Foote

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  1. 344 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Useful Captives

The Role of POWs in American Military Conflicts

Daniel Krebs, Lorien Foote, Daniel Krebs, Lorien Foote

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Über dieses Buch

Useful Captives: The Role of POWs in American Military Conflicts is a wide-ranging investigation of the integral role prisoners of war (POWs) have played in the economic, cultural, political, and military aspects of American warfare. In Useful Captives volume editors Daniel Krebs and Lorien Foote and their contributors explore the wide range of roles that captives play in times of conflict: hostages used to negotiate vital points of contention between combatants, consumers, laborers, propaganda tools, objects of indoctrination, proof of military success, symbols, political instruments, exemplars of manhood ideals, loyal and disloyal soldiers, and agents of change in society.

The book's eleven chapters cover conflicts involving Americans, ranging from colonial warfare on the Creek-Georgia border in the late eighteenth century, the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great War, World War II, to twenty-first century U.S. drone warfare. This long historical horizon enables the reader to go beyond the prison camp experience of POWs to better understand the many ways they influence the nature and course of military conflict.

Useful Captives shows the vital role that prisoners of war play in American warfare and reveals the cultural contexts of warfare, the shaping and altering of military policies, the process of state-building, the impacts upon the economy and environment of the conflict zone, their special place in propaganda and political symbolism, and the importance of public history in shaping national memory.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
Introduction, Daniel Krebs and Lorien Foote
I. Cultural Contexts of Warfare
1. Border Captives: Prisoners of War on the Creek-Georgia Border, 1770-1800, Joshua S. Haynes
2. Down, but Not Out: Manhood and the American Prisoner-of-War Experience in World War I, Brian F. Feltman
II. Military Policies in Warfare
3. "Citizen for Citizen": The Problem of Political Prisoners during the American Revolutionary War, T. Cole Jones
4. Forgotten Prisoners: Communist Prisoners of War during Vietnam's American War, Marcel Berni
5. Abandoning Traditional Concepts of Prisoners of War: Military Captives in the Twenty-First Century, Paul J. Springer
III. State-Building and Warfare
6. Blue or Gray? Taking Advantage of the Civil War Prisoner System, Earl J. Hess
7. Sowing the Seeds of Democracy: A Comparative Examination of American Efforts to Reeducation German and Japanese Prisoners of War in the United States during World War II, Adam S. Rock
IV. Economic and Environmental Dimensions of Warfare
8. Carceral Footprints Left in the Civil War North: Trappings of the Camp Douglas and Elmira Prison Environs, Michael P. Gray
V. Political Symbols in Warfare
9. "The Nation Cannot Now Be Entrusted to Hands Reeking with the Blood of Loyal Victims": Prison Propaganda, Hard War, and the Politics of Criminalization, Daniel Farrell
10. "As Happy a Man as Ever Wore 'Confederate Grey'": Confederate Former Prisoners of War and Their Narratives of Imprisonment, 1877-1890, Angela M. Riotto
VI. Public Conversations and Narratives about Warfare
11. Prisoners of the Public: The National Park Service Interprets the Prisoner-of-War Experience, Adam H. Domby and Christopher W. Barr

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Page numbers reflect those in print edition.
Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq, 138, 303
Adams, Eddie, 106
Adams, John, 74, 7879, 80, 87
Addison, Walter, 261, 263, 264, 265
Afghanistan, 109, 138, 139, 140, 141142
African Americans
as Civil War POWs, 23, 281, 293, 300
in Confederate POW narratives, 256, 265266, 269
and Dix-Hill Cartel, 165166, 206, 234236, 240, 242, 294, 300
and Emancipation Proclamation, 5, 231, 233234, 240
and Fort Pillow massacre, 236237, 238, 246, 249250n63
and National Prisoner of War Museum exhibits, 281
as Native American captives, 2, 19, 2021, 2426, 2627, 31, 32, 3536, 3738, 42n52
and slavery, 3, 2425, 3537, 38, 153, 239, 240241, 242, 255, 257, 261, 268
as Union military prison guards, 265
Alexander, Samuel, 32
Alexander, William, 86
Algonquians, 40n17, 40n18
Allen, Gerry, 300
Allen, Michael J., 13
al-Qaeda, 135, 138140, 141, 142, 293
Alton Prison, Illinois, 201202, 219n19
al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 138139
Ambühl, Rémy, 10
American Ex-Prisoners of War Association (Bataan Relief Organization), 69n86
American Legion, 6263
American Revolutionary War. See Revolutionary War, American
Andersonville National Historic Site, 278, 281, 283284, 286287, 296297, 300, 302303, 307n36
Andersonville Prison, Georgia
