Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices
eBook - ePub

Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices

Materials, Architectures, and Future Trends

Feng Li, Lei Wen, Hui-ming Cheng

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eBook - ePub

Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices

Materials, Architectures, and Future Trends

Feng Li, Lei Wen, Hui-ming Cheng

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Über dieses Buch

Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices

Explore the latest developments in electrochemical energy storage device technology

In Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices, an accomplished team of authors delivers a thorough examination of the latest developments in the electrode and cell configurations of lithium-ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors. Several kinds of newly developed devices are introduced, with information about their theoretical bases, materials, fabrication technologies, design considerations, and implementation presented.

You'll learn about the current challenges facing the industry, future research trends likely to capture the imaginations of researchers and professionals working in industryand academia, and still-available opportunities in this fast-moving area. You'lldiscover a wide range of new concepts, materials, and technologies that have been developed over the past few decades to advance the technologies of lithium?ionbatteries, electrochemical capacitors, and intelligent devices. Finally, you'llfind solutions to basic research challenges and the technologies applicable toenergy storage industries.

Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:

  • A thorough introduction to energy conversion and storage, and the history and classification of electrochemical energy storage
  • An exploration of materials and fabrication of electrochemical energy storage devices, including categories, EDLCSs, pseudocapacitors, and hybrid capacitors
  • A practical discussion of the theory and characterizations of flexible cells, including their mechanical properties and the limits of conventional architectures
  • A concise treatment of the materials and fabrication technologies involved in the manufacture of flexible cells

Perfect for materials scientists, electrochemists, and solid-state chemists, Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices will also earn a place in the libraries of applied physicists, and engineers in power technology and the electrotechnical industry seeking a one-stop reference for portable and smart electrochemical energy storagedevices.

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The world is witnessing increasing requirements for energy to meet the needs of modern society. Due to the drastic climate warming around the world, developing innovative sustainable clean energy (wind, tidal, solar energy, etc.) with high energy efficiency is extremely important. However, various renewable energy to electricity are quite fluctuating over time, and developing reliable energy storage systems is an important way to solve these challenges. Therefore, to satisfy the increasing social and industrial demands, better electrochemical energy storage devices should be used.
On this point, searching for novel electrochemical energy storage system with exceptional electrochemical properties for energy storage is essential. In this chapter, we will first give a brief introduction toward various electrochemical energy storage devices, including electrochemical capacitors (ECs) and lithium ion batteries (LIBs).

1.1 Energy Conversion and Storage: A Global Challenge

Nobel chemistry prize winner Richard Smalley had said: “Energy is the single most important problem facing humanity today and energy is the largest enterprise on Earth” [1]. Nowadays, the energy generation still mainly relies on fossil fuels (oil, coal, and gas), which occupy 80% of total energy needs in the world. On the other hand, the fossil fuels are still to be the dominant primary energy resources for many years in the future. Therefore, limited supplies of the fossil fuels make it imperative that combustion‐based energy sources should be replaced by clean and renewable energy [2]. These sustainable energies mainly include hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal energy.
Figure 1.1 shows the global energy consumption. In 2018, the growth rate of global energy consumption is 2.9%, which was the highest rate since 2010. Although fossil energy still occupies the most energy consumption around the world, the renewable energy also made a significant increase in recent years [4]. Gas and renewables have the most obvious increase among various energy sources since 2010 [3].
More importantly, the renewable energy sector also has significant social and economic impact. In 2018, at least 11 million people were employed in the renewable energy sector around the world. Compared with the data in 2016, the growth rate of employment was 5.3% [4]. As shown in Figure 1.2, the top five employment in the renewable energy sector on the list includes solar photovoltaic, liquid biofuels, hydropower, wind energy, and solar heating.
Graph depicts the amounts of global energy consumption.
Figure 1.1 Amounts of global energy consumption.
Graph depicts the Global renewable energy employment indexed by technology.
Figure 1.2 Global renewable energy employment indexed by technology.
Source: International Renewable Energy Agency [4]. © 2018, IRENA ‐ International Renewable Energy Agency.
Electricity has been considered as the most effective way to explore and utilize various renewable energies effectively. Compared with other forms of energy, electricity has many obvious advantages as follows [5]: (i) Convenience: electricity can be easily transformed into the desired forms of energy, such as heat, light, and mechanical energy. (ii) Easy control: electricity can simply be operated and tuned. (iii) Flexibility: electricity can be easily transferred by transmission line. (iv) Cheap: compared with other forms of energy, electricity is an economical form, which has been widely used for domestic and industrial applications. (v) Low transmission loss: electricity can be easily transmitted with high efficiency from the power plant to the user.
Schematic illustration of the application of electrochemical energy storage, AGV (automated guided vehicles).
Figure 1.3 Application of electrochemical energy storage, AGV (automated guided vehicles).
Although electricity has many advantages, the renewable energy‐based electricity is quite fluctuating over time. For example, the clouds constantly alter the output of solar energy systems and wind cannot blow at a fixed speed. Unfortunately, grid has a fixed frequency of 50 Hz, which was determined by turbines in power plants. These must be matched to avoid the fluctuation of grid. Therefore, the clean energy‐based electricity requires to be s...
