Three Proofs for the Existence of God
eBook - ePub

Three Proofs for the Existence of God

Scientific Proof Historic Proof Prophetic Proof

Uchemadu Chée Kamanu

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  1. 290 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
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eBook - ePub

Three Proofs for the Existence of God

Scientific Proof Historic Proof Prophetic Proof

Uchemadu Chée Kamanu

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Über dieses Buch

Three Proofs for the Existence of God gives scientific, historic, and prophetic proofs for the existence of God. If we do not think that a computer, or even a bicycle, could have come up by chance, without a designer, could we think that man who made the computer could have come up by chance, without a designer? Chance and design are mutually exclusive: the disproof of the one is the proof of the other. There is no third option! In biogenesis, genetics, dendrochronology, geophysics, and thermodynamics, evolution theory has been disproved experimentally and observationally. By default, therefore, design has been proven! Any attempt by evolutionists to experimentally disprove design, or prove chance, ends up proving design: The one conducting the experiment is the designer of that experiment, and the result is his design. If the experiment is left to chance, nothing happens!With historic data from the Bible added up, we show the year God created man and other things. Acts and relationships between God and his creation show up in other chapters to remind us that the Creator, God, lives and wills. One of these chapters, "Black History in Scripture, " disproves the saying that "Christianity is the white man's religion." We show that the scriptures were translated into three African languages, for ten centuries, before there was an English Bible-among other facts. Did Jesus not live in Israel and Africa only?

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Part 1
Scientific, Historic, and Prophetic Proofs
They cease to have knowledge who tend to stop true knowledge from increasing.
Chapter 1
Scientific Proof for the Existence of God
One day, we asked some people, “Do you think that a computer could come up by chance, ready to give answers and send emails, without a designer?” They paused to think up, “No.” Then we asked, “Do you think that man who made the computer could have come up by chance?” They readily said, “No!” Please finish reading this book; your answer will stand out.
Chance and design are mutually exclusive: we either came by chance or by design. The disproof of the one is the proof of the other. There is no third option! In biogenesis, genetics, geophysics, and thermodynamics, evolution theory has been disproved experimentally and observationally. By the same scientific experiments and observations, we therefore accept design as the only alternative.
Evolutionists have never attempted to disprove any of these truly scientific experiments and observations against evolution theory, because they cannot. Any attempt at proving a chance occurrence of anything or disproving design experimentally ends up proving design: the one conducting the experiment is the designer of that experiment; the result is his design! If the experiment is left to chance, nothing happens.
Evolutionists cannot prove how the first thing which existed came from nothing, since there was nothing before it. If they “prove” that nothing evolved into something, it means there is nothing. It is like saying that nothing became a dog. This means there is no dog. The “big bang” hypothesis is a belief that nothing made a bang, since there was nothing before the bang. This means there was no “big bang.” Nothing is defined as the absence of something. Therefore, both evolution theory and the “big bang” are the absence in science, of something to say about the origin of things!
It is impossible to find a fact to support an untrue idea or a truth to support a lie. Dendrochronological studies, which are scientific determinations, trace the beginning of life on earth to about 6700 BC,1 but evolution talk places it at billions of years ago. Evolution thinkers coopted radio isotope dating, a concocted method which is now scientifically proven to be based on a mistaken principle, to announce fictitious ages of things.
A lie evolved when Charles Darwin drifted away from scientific facts and would not involve the truth. Fake show of knowledge by some of his followers, revolved around fraud to translate deceit. All has burst into flames. The false glitter has burnt into charcoal! Darwin’s confession has shown up. Now we know, after several years of academic bold face, that Darwin’s evolution theory is a religious fable, planted in the farmland of science. It is a deceit from spiritism!
Consider the fable that “a goose laid a golden egg.” This means evolving from an animate object (goose) into an inanimate object (gold). Consider an evolution tale: a “big bang” formed particles which became animals after a period of time. This represents the reverse of the golden egg story: particles (inanimate) became animals (animate) even spontaneously. It does not take a genius to note that this is another fairy tale, especially as Charles Darwin himself called his evolution theory “the devil’s gospel.” This could be taken like a joke if he had no romance with spiritism, but he had.
Darwin’s Confession
Charles Darwin was the human publisher of evolution theory.
In his letter to Huxley dated August 8, 1860, Charles Darwin spoke of Huxley as “my good and kind agent for the propagation of the gospel—i.e., the devil’s gospel.”2 Darwin here referred to his theory of evolution as “the devil’s gospel.” “Alfred Russell Wallace” who “is considered to be the man who developed the theory which Darwin published, was deeply involved in spiritism.”3
Charles D...
