Creative Mind
eBook - ePub
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Creative Mind

Ernest S. Holmes

Ernest Shurtleff

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  1. Italian
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eBook - ePub
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Creative Mind

Ernest S. Holmes

Ernest Shurtleff

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Über dieses Buch

THE hand of eternal progress is brushing the cobwebs from the corridors of time and is again revealing to the human race the mysteries of being. As there is "nothing new under the sun, " the searchlight of Truth is bringing to light only what has been known to the few in all generations. The time has now come when the few must become the many. The whole world, from the least to the greatest, must know the Truth, so that man may understand the great laws that govern his life. He must learn to control his own destiny, to heal his own body and bring happiness to his own soul. Ignorance must vanish and understanding must be ushered in. Man is no longer to be governed by anything outside himself. Creeds, doctrines, churches, institutions, organizations, governments are all being changed to give place to the realization of the individual. There is a power in and through all that is working this great transformation. All that will not measure up to the standard must fall by its own weight; all that is in line with the Truth must still prosper. The time is at hand; we are in the greatest age of all history; we are in the age of the unifying of all people and all things into the "Ever Present One." "The temple not made with hands" is now being silently builded by the emancipated souls of this planet.This book awakens within the consciousness of one single individual the realization that the mind of the Universe (which is the only mind that there is) is his own mind; that the creative power of this mind is his also; that the manifestation of this mind is his own individuality; that the love and power and peace of this mind is within himself, it will not be written in vain. May it then do much in simplifying and bringing to light some of the deeper mysteries and meanings of life.ERNEST SHURTLEFF HOLMESTable of ContentsPART 1.IN THE BEGINNING A PRINCIPLE THAT CAN BE PROVEN. THE WORD GOING FORTH. WHY, AND WHAT IS MAN? THE LAW OF OUR LIVES. MAN'S PART. BONDAGE AND FREEDOM. THE WORD. THE MAN WHO HAS ARRIVED. THE POWER WE HAVE WITHIN US. INDIVIDUAL IDEAS. THE REASON FOR THE UNIVERSE. MIND IN ACTION. ACTION AND REACTION. ARRIVING AT A HIGH CONSCIOUSNESS. OUTER SUGGESTIONS. THE USE OF THE GREATER CONSCIOUSNESS. THE GREATER CONSCIOUSNESS. THE PERFECT UNIVERSE. ABOUT STRUGGLE--KARMA. PART 2.PRACTICEINTRODUCTORY. THE SAME POWER USED IN TWO WAYS. HEALING THE SICK. DENIALS. THE USE OF AFFIRMATIONS. THE HIGHEST ATTITUDE OF MIND. NON-RESISTANCE. BE ALIVE. BE HAPPY. LIVE IN THE PRESENT. SEE THE GOOD IN ALL THINGS. BE EXPECTANT. EXPANDING OUR THOUGHT. THE POWER OF A TREATMENT. REPEATING THE TREATMENT. IMPERSONAL HEALING. PROSPERITY. WHAT IS THE SPIRITUAL MIND?

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