The Happiness Revolution
eBook - ePub

The Happiness Revolution

A Manifesto for Living Your Best Life

Andy Cope, Paul McGee

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  1. English
  2. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
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eBook - ePub

The Happiness Revolution

A Manifesto for Living Your Best Life

Andy Cope, Paul McGee

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Über dieses Buch

A new book by two of the biggest powerhouses in positive psychology and personal development – Dr Andy Cope and Professor Paul McGee

Happiness. We chase it, we crave it…it's so in demand… yet so scarce and fleeting.

But here's the good news. In The Happiness Revolution: A Manifesto For Living Your Best Life, bestselling authors Dr Andy Cope and Professor Paul McGee deliver a page-turning self-help book of the times, for the times. As the world wakes up to a new kind of normal, The Happiness Revolution challenges readers to sign up to an uprising of wellbeing and to making the most of the privilege of being on this planet.

The book outlines a 10-point Happiness Manifesto. Grounded in the science of human flourishing and the reality of life, the principles are simple, do-able and above all make a difference not only to yourself but to others too. Let the fight back to mental wealth start right here.

Welcome to global domination of the happiness kind!


  • How to regain your sanity, clarity, and wellbeing, even when your smartphone, kids, spouse, job, and possessions seem to be conspiring to keep you from doing just that.
  • Why it can be so hard to maintain a happy outlook when the outside world has never been so fast, complex, and unpredictable.
  • How to be at your best in a world that is doing its worst.

Happiness is the #1 thing you want for yourself and your family. The Happiness Revolution is an indispensable guide for everyone trying to live their best life and to spread some happiness whilst doing so.

Rise Up and Be Happy! Vive la revolution!

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