Purchase, Power and Persuasion
eBook - ePub
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Purchase, Power and Persuasion

Essays on Political Philosophy

Gary James Jason

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  1. 302 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub
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Purchase, Power and Persuasion

Essays on Political Philosophy

Gary James Jason

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Über dieses Buch

In Purchase, Power and Persuasion: Essays on Political Philosophy, Gary James Jason brings together his articles on political and economic philosopher between 2004 and 2018. These articles touch on issues surrounding two contrasting political systems: a complete totalitarian system—the paradigm case of which was Nazi Germany—versus a classical liberal system.

In Part One of the anthology, the essay topics include the breadth of the Nazi Regime's propaganda machine, and as well as the nature and ethics of propaganda. In Part Two, the essay topics include the nature and variety of genocides, as well as how the Nazi Regime bought the support of the German citizens, and whether National Socialism was indeed a form of socialism. In Part Three, the essay topics include: what 'classical liberalism' means; common myths about the nature of capitalism; the nature of 'happiness economics'; the basic ideas of Public Choice economics; Adam Smith's life and work; the legitimacy of secession in America today; and how the American economy compares to European ones. In Part Four, the topics include the ethics of a nation restricting the emigration of trained professionals, Gary Becker's proposals for immigration reform, and my own proposals for immigration reform. Finally, in Part Five, the topics include business ethics; the nature of American charity today; the economic contributions of Smith, Marx, and Keynes; the spread and value of liberal think-tanks; and the anti-Malthusian economics of Julian Simon.

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