Australia at the Venice Biennale
eBook - ePub

Australia at the Venice Biennale

A Century of Contemporary Art

Kerry Gardner

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eBook - ePub

Australia at the Venice Biennale

A Century of Contemporary Art

Kerry Gardner

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Über dieses Buch

Before the winds of World War I blew Europe apart, a rowdy and radical group of Australian artists would gather in the salons of Paris and London to embrace new ways of painting and seeing the world. By 1914 twelve of them had shown their works at the Venice International Exhibition, now known as the Venice Biennale. Bundled in with the British, Tom Roberts, Arthur Streeton and Thea Proctor were represented alongside legendary artists Corot, Rodin, Klimt and Renoir. Four decades later Australia sent its first official delegation of artists: Sidney Nolan, Russell Drysdale and William Dobell; the works of Rover Thomas, Howard Arkley, Patricia Piccinini and Shaun Gladwell continued the story of bold Australian art in Venice. With the support of the Australian art community, the Venice Biennale today remains an aspiration and career highlight for contemporary artists and Australia's love affair with the exhibition thrives. Discover the untold stories of the world's most important art event through one hundred years of Australian modern art.

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background image
The Early YearsCharles ConderThe Gardener’s Daughter 1902–03oil on canvas49.2 x 76 cmManchester Art Gallery, ManchesterPurchased from Messrs Wallis and Son, 1923Image courtesy of Manchester Art Gallery/Bridgeman Images George W Lambert Lotty and a Lady 1906oil on canvas102.8 × 127.7 cmNational Gallery of Victoria, MelbourneFelton Bequest, 1910Photograph: National Gallery of VictoriaArthur StreetonCorfe Castle 1909 (indicative)oil on canvas120 × 194 cmImage courtesy of Smith & Singer Fine ArtThea ProctorCoquetterie 1912watercolour on silk (folding fan)Collection unknownImage courtesy of the Art Gallery of New South Wales George W LambertThe Actress 1913 (detail)oil on canvas111.7 × 152.4 cmBenalla Art Gallery Collection, VictoriaGift of Mr Wayne N Kratzmann, 2005Image courtesy of Benalla Art GalleryAPPENDIXThis appendix includes all works exhibited by artists officially selected to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale. Also included are entries for 1954 and 1956, which were not official delegations but are widely included in historical accounts of Australia’s participation in the event. Notable omissions include works exhibited in an unofficial capacity as part of the Aperto, central curated exhibition or in satellite exhibit...
