Agile Metrics in Action
eBook - ePub

Agile Metrics in Action

How to measure and improve team performance

Christopher Davis

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  1. 272 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Agile Metrics in Action

How to measure and improve team performance

Christopher Davis

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Über dieses Buch

Summary Agile Metrics in Action is a rich resource for agile teams that aim to use metrics to objectively measure performance. You'll learn how to gather data that really counts, along with how to effectively analyze and act upon the results.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Book The iterative nature of agile development is perfect for experience-based, continuous improvement. Tracking systems, test and build tools, source control, continuous integration, and other built-in parts of a project lifecycle throw off a wealth of data you can use to improve your products, processes, and teams. The question is, how to do it? Agile Metrics in Action teaches you how. This practical book is a rich resource for an agile team that aims to use metrics to objectively measure performance. You'll learn how to gather the data that really count, along with how to effectively analyze and act upon the results. Along the way, you'll discover techniques all team members can use for better individual accountability and team performance.Practices in this book will work with any development process or tool stack. For code-based examples, this book uses Groovy, Grails, and MongoDB. What's Inside

  • Use the data you generate every day from CI and Scrum
  • Improve communication, productivity, transparency, and morale
  • Objectively measure performance
  • Make metrics a natural byproduct of your development process

About the Author Christopher Davis has been a software engineer and team leader for over 15 years. He has led numerous teams to successful delivery using agile methodologies. Table of Contents

  • Measuring agile performance
  • Observing a live project
  • Trends and data from project-tracking systems
  • Trends and data from source control
  • Trends and data from CI and deployment servers
  • Data from your production systems
  • Working with the data you're collecting: the sum of the parts
  • Measuring the technical quality of your software
  • Publishing metrics
  • Measuring your team against the agile principles

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