RxJS in Action
eBook - ePub

RxJS in Action

Paul Daniels, Luis Atencio

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  1. 352 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

RxJS in Action

Paul Daniels, Luis Atencio

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Über dieses Buch

Summary RxJS in Action gives you the development skills you need to create reactive applications with RxJS. This book is full of theory and practical examples that build on each other and help you begin thinking in a reactive manner. Foreword by Ben Lesh, Project lead, RxJS 5.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology On the web, events and messages flow constantly between UI and server components. With RxJS, you can filter, merge, and transform these streams directly, opening the world of data flow programming to browser-based apps. This JavaScript implementation of the ReactiveX spec is perfect for on-the-fly tasks like autocomplete. Its asynchronous communication model makes concurrency much, much easier. About the Book RxJS in Action is your guide to building a reactive web UI using RxJS. You'll begin with an intro to stream-based programming as you explore the power of RxJS through practical examples. With the core concepts in hand, you'll tackle production techniques like error handling, unit testing, and interacting with frameworks like React and Redux. And because RxJS builds on ideas from the world of functional programming, you'll even pick up some key FP concepts along the way. What's Inside

  • Building clean, declarative, fault-tolerant applications
  • Transforming and composing streams
  • Taming asynchronous processes
  • Integrating streams with third-party libraries
  • Covers RxJS 5

About the Reader This book is suitable for readers comfortable with JavaScript and standard web application architectures. About the Author Paul P. Daniels is a professional software engineer with experience in.NET, Java, and JavaScript. Luis Atencio is a software engineer working daily with Java, PHP, and JavaScript platforms, and author of Manning's Functional Programming in JavaScript. Table of Contents


  • Thinking reactively
  • Reacting with RxJS
  • Core operators
  • It's about time you used RxJS


  • Applied reactive streams
  • Coordinating business processes
  • Error handling with RxJS


  • Heating up observables
  • Toward testable, reactive programs
  • RxJS in the wild

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