Ext JS in Action
eBook - ePub

Ext JS in Action

Grgur Grisogono, Jacob Andresen, Jesus Garcia

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  1. 408 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Ext JS in Action

Grgur Grisogono, Jacob Andresen, Jesus Garcia

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Über dieses Buch

Summary Ext JS in Action, Second Edition teaches Ext JS from the ground up. You'll start with a quick overview of the framework and then explore the core components by diving into complete examples, engaging illustrations, and crisp, straightforward explanations. You'll feel like you have an expert guide right at your elbow teaching you important Ext techniques and offering insight into its inner workings. Along the way, you'll learn the best practices for building and scaling full-featured web applications, including how to customize and build Ext widgets. Fully revised for Ext JS 4.0. About this Book Ext JS is a mature JavaScript web application framework that provides modern UI widgets and an advanced MVC architecture. It helps you manage tedious boilerplate and minimize hand-coded HTML and browser incompatibilities. Ext JS in Action, Second Edition starts with a quick overview of the framework and then explores the core components by diving into complete examples, engaging illustrations, and clear explanations. You'll feel like you have an expert guide at your elbow as you learn the best practices for building and scaling full-featured web applications.A working knowledge of JavaScript is assumed. No prior experience with Ext JS is required.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. What's Inside

  • Building professional web apps with Ext JS
  • Stamping out DOM fragments with templates
  • Customizing and building Ext widgets
  • Masterful UI design
  • Fully revised for Ext JS version 4.0

About the Authors Jay Garcia is a well-known member of the Ext JS community and a contributor to the framework. He wrote Sencha Touch in Action. Grgur Grisogono founded SourceDevCon in London, UK and Split, Croatia. Jacob Andresen is a consultant specializing in large scale internet applications. Table of Contents

  • A framework apart
  • DOM manipulation
  • Components and containers
  • Core UI components
  • Exploring layouts
  • Forms in Ext JS
  • The data store
  • The grid panel
  • Taking root with trees
  • Drawing and charting
  • Remote method invocation with Ext Direct
  • Drag-and-drop
  • Class system foundations
  • Building an application

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