AspectJ in Action
eBook - ePub

AspectJ in Action

Enterprise AOP with Spring Applications

Raminvas Laddad

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  1. 568 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

AspectJ in Action

Enterprise AOP with Spring Applications

Raminvas Laddad

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Über dieses Buch

To allow the creation of truly modular software, OOP has evolved into aspect-oriented programming. AspectJ is a mature AOP implementation for Java, now integrated with Spring. AspectJ in Action, Second Edition is a fully updated, major revision of Ramnivas Laddad's best-selling first edition. It's a hands-on guide for Java developers. After introducing the core principles of AOP, it shows you how to create reusable solutions using AspectJ 6 and Spring 3. You'll master key features including annotation-based syntax, load-time weaver, annotation-based crosscutting, and Spring-AspectJ integration. Building on familiar technologies such as JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, Spring Security, Spring MVC, and Swing, you'll apply AOP to common problems encountered in enterprise applications.This book requires no previous experience in AOP and AspectJ, but it assumes you're familiar with OOP, Java, and the basics of Spring."Clear, concisely worded, well-organized... a pleasure to read."
-From the Foreword by Rod Johnson, Creator of the Spring Framework"This book teaches you how to think in aspects. It is essential reading for both beginners who know nothing about AOP and experts who think they know it all."
- Andrew Eisenberg, AspectJ Development Tools Project Committer"Ramnivas showcases how to get the best out of AspectJ and Spring."
-Andy Clement, AspectJ Project Lead"One of the best Java books in years."
-Andrew Rhine, Software Engineer, eSecLending"By far the best reference for Spring AOP and AspectJ."
-Paul Benedict, Software Engineer, Argus Health Systems"Ramnivas expertly demystifies the awesome power of aspect-oriented programming."
-Craig Walls, author of Spring in Action

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