Spring Microservices in Action
eBook - ePub

Spring Microservices in Action

John Carnell, Kalpit Patel

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  1. 384 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

Spring Microservices in Action

John Carnell, Kalpit Patel

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Über dieses Buch

Summary Spring Microservices in Action teaches you how to build microservice-based applications using Java and the Spring platform. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the technology Microservices break up your code into small, distributed, and independent services that require careful forethought and design. Fortunately, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud simplify your microservice applications, just as the Spring Framework simplifies enterprise Java development. Spring Boot removes the boilerplate code involved with writing a REST-based service. Spring Cloud provides a suite of tools for the discovery, routing, and deployment of microservices to the enterprise and the cloud. About the Book Spring Microservices in Action teaches you how to build microservice-based applications using Java and the Spring platform. You'll learn to do microservice design as you build and deploy your first Spring Cloud application. Throughout the book, carefully selected real-life examples expose microservice-based patterns for configuring, routing, scaling, and deploying your services. You'll see how Spring's intuitive tooling can help augment and refactor existing applications with micro services. What's Inside

  • Core microservice design principles
  • Managing configuration with Spring Cloud Config
  • Client-side resiliency with Spring, Hystrix, and Ribbon
  • Intelligent routing using Netflix Zuul
  • Deploying Spring Cloud applications

About the Reader This book is written for developers with Java and Spring experience. About the Author John Carnell is a senior cloud engineer with twenty years of experience in Java. Table of contents

  • Welcome to the cloud, Spring
  • Building microservices with Spring Boot
  • Controlling your configuration with Spring Cloud configuration server
  • On service discovery
  • When bad things happen: client resiliency patterns with Spring Cloud and Netflix Hystrix
  • Service routing with Spring Cloud and Zuul
  • Securing your microservices
  • Event-driven architecture with Spring Cloud Stream
  • Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
  • Deploying your microservices

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1. Welcome to the cloud, Spring

This chapter covers:
  • Understanding microservices and why companies use them
  • Using Spring, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud for building microservices
  • Learning why the cloud and microservices are relevant to microservice-based applications
  • Building microservices involves more than building service code
  • Understanding the parts of cloud-based development
  • Using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud in microservice development
The one constant in the field of software development is that we as software developers sit in the middle of a sea of chaos and change. We all feel the churn as new technologies and approaches appear suddenly on the scene, causing us to reevaluate how we build and deliver solutions for our customers. One example of this churn is the rapid adoption by many organizations of building applications using microservices. Microservices are distributed, loosely coupled software services that carry out a small number of well-defined tasks.
This book introduces you to the microservice architecture and why you should consider building your applications with them. We’re going to look at how to build microservices using Java and two Spring framework projects: Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. If you’re a Java developer, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud will provide an easy migration path from building traditional, monolithic Spring applications to microservice applications that can be deployed to the cloud.

1.1. What’s a microservice?

Before the concept of microservices evolved, most web-based applications were built using a monolithic architectural style. In a monolithic architecture, an application is delivered as a single deployable software artifact. All the UI (user interface), business, and database access logic are packaged together into a single application artifact and deployed to an application server.
While an application might be a deployed as a single unit of work, most of the time there will be multiple development teams working on the application. Each development team will have their own discrete pieces of the application they’re responsible for and oftentimes specific customers they’re serving with their functional piece. For example, when I worked at a large financial services company, we had an in-house, custom-built customer relations management (CRM) application that involved the coordination of multiple teams including the UI, the customer master, the data warehouse, and the mutual funds team. Figure 1.1 illustrates the basic architecture of this application.
Figure 1.1. Monolithic applications force multiple development teams to artificially synchronize their delivery because their code needs to be built, tested, and deployed as an entire unit.
The problem here is that as the size and complexity of the monolithic CRM application grew, the communication and coordination costs of the individual teams working on the application didn’t scale. Every time an individual team needed to make a change, the entire application had to be rebuilt, retested and redeployed.
The concept of a microservice originally crept into the software development community’s consciousness around 2014 and was a direct response to many of the challenges of trying to scale both technically and organizationally large, monolithic applications. Remember, a microservice is a small, loosely coupled, distributed service. Microservices allow you to take a large application and decompose it into easy-to--manage components with narrowly defined responsibilities. Microservices help combat the traditional problems of complexity in a large code base by decomposing the large code base down into small, well-defined pieces. The key concept you need to embrace as you think about microservices is decomposing and unbundling the functionality of your applications so they’re completely independent of one another. If we take the CRM application we saw in figure 1.1 and decompose it into microservices, it might look like what’s shown in figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2. Using a microservice architecture our CRM application would be decomposed into a set of microservices completely independent of each other, allowing each development team to move at their own pace.
Looking at figure 1.2, you can see that each functional team completely owns their service code and service infrastructure. They can build, deploy, and test independently of each other because their code, source control repository, and the infrastructure (app server and database) are now completely independent of the other parts of the application.
A microservice architecture has the following characteristics:
  • Application logic is broken down into small-grained components with well-defined boundaries of responsibility that coordinate to deliver a solution.
  • Each component has a small domain of responsibility and is deployed completely independently of one another. Microservices should have responsibility for a single part of a business domain. Also, a microservice should be reusable across multiple applications.
  • Microservices communicate based on a few basic principles (notice I said principles, not standards) and employ lightweight communication protocols such as HTTP and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for exchanging data between the service consumer and service provider.
  • The underlying technical implementation of the service is irrelevant because the applications always communicate with a technology-neutral protocol (JSON is the most common). This means an application built using a microservice application could be built with multiple languages and technologies.
  • Microservices—by their small, independent, and distributed nature—allow organizations to have small development teams with well-defined areas of responsibility. These teams might work toward a single goal such as delivering an application, but each team is responsible only for the services on which they’re working.
I often joke with my colleagues that microservices are the gateway drug for building cloud applications. You start building microservices because they give you a high degree of flexibility and autonomy with your development teams, but you and your team quickly find that the small, independent nature of microservices makes them easily deployable to the cloud. Once the services are in the cloud, their small size makes it easy to start up large numbers of instances of the same service, and suddenly your applications become more scalable and, with forethought, more resilient.

1.2. What is Spring and why is it relevant to microservices?

Spring has become the de facto development framework for building Java-based applications. At its core, Spring is based on the concept of dependency injection. In a normal Java application, the application is decomposed into classes where each class often has explicit linkages to other classes in the application. The linkages are the invocation of a class constructor directly in the code. Once the code is compiled, these linkage points can’t be changed.
This is problematic in a large project because these external linkages are brittle and making a change can result in multiple downstream impacts to other code. A dependency injection framework, such as Spring, allows you to more easily manage large Java projects by externalizing the relationship between objects within your application through convention (and annotations) rather than those objects having hard-coded knowledge about each other. Spring sits as an intermediary between the different Java classes of your application and manages their dependencies. Spring essentially lets you assemble your code together like a set of Lego bricks that snap together.
Spring’s rapid inclusion of features drove its utility, and the framework quickly became a lighter weight alternative for enterprise application Java developers looking for a way to building applications using the J2EE stack. The J2EE stack, while powerful, was considered by many to be bloatware, with many features that were never used by application development teams. Further, a J2EE application forced you to use a full-blown (and heavy) Java application server to deploy your applications.
What’s amazing about the Spring framework and a testament to its development community is its ability to stay relevant and reinvent itself. The Spring development team quickly saw that many development teams were moving away from monolithic applications where the application’s presentation, business, and data access logic were packaged together and deployed as a single artifact. Instead, teams were moving to highly distributed models where services were being built as small, distributed services that could be easily deployed to the cloud. In response to this shift, the Spring development team launched two projects: Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Spring Boot is a re-envisioning of the Spring framework. While it embraces core features of Spring, Spring Boot strips away many of the “enterprise” features found in Spring and instead delivers a framework geared toward Java-based, REST-oriented (Representational State Transfer)[1] microservices. With a few simple annotations, a Java developer can quickly build a REST microservice that can be packaged and deployed without the need for an external application container.
While we cover REST later in chapter 2, it’s worthwhile to read Roy Fielding’s PHD dissertation on building ...
