Angular in Action
eBook - ePub

Angular in Action

Jeremy Wilken

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  1. 320 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Angular in Action

Jeremy Wilken

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Über dieses Buch

Summary Angular in Action teaches you everything you need to build production-ready Angular applications.Thoroughly practical and packed with tricks and tips, this hands-on tutorial is perfect for web devs ready to build web applications that can handle whatever you throw at them. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Angular makes it easy to deliver amazing web apps. This powerful JavaScript platform provides the tooling to man- age your project, libraries to help handle most common tasks, and a rich ecosystem full of third-party capabilities to add as needed. Built with developer productivity in mind, Angular boosts your efficiency with a modern component architecture, well-constructed APIs, and a rich community. About the Book Angular in Action teaches you everything you need to build production-ready Angular applications. You'll start coding immediately, as you move from the basics to advanced techniques like testing, dependency injection, and performance tuning. Along the way, you'll take advantage of TypeScript and ES2015 features to write clear, well-architected code. Thoroughly practical and packed with tricks and tips, this hands-on tutorial is perfect for web devs ready to build web applications that can handle whatever you throw at them. What's Inside

  • Spinning up your first Angular application
  • A complete tour of Angular's features
  • Comprehensive example projects
  • Testing and debugging
  • Managing large applications

About the Reader Written for web developers comfortable with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. About the Author Jeremy Wilken is a Google Developer Expert in Angular, Web Technologies, and Google Assistant. He has many years of experience building web applications and libraries for eBay, Teradata, and VMware. Table of Contents

  • Angular: a modern web platform
  • Building your first Angular app
  • App essentials
  • Component basics
  • Advanced components
  • Services
  • Routing
  • Building custom directives and pipes
  • Forms
  • Testing your application
  • Angular in production

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