Boom and Bust
eBook - ePub

Boom and Bust

The Historical Cycles of Matamoras and Brownsville

Millo Kearney, Anthony Knopp

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eBook - ePub

Boom and Bust

The Historical Cycles of Matamoras and Brownsville

Millo Kearney, Anthony Knopp

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Über dieses Buch

Boom and Bust traces developments in the Matamoras, Brownsville, Texas, and the Rio Grande delta from the earliest traces of human occupation to present-day controversies over maquiladoras and free trade. This treasure trove of local and regional history draws from research carried out by the authors and by other scholars and researchers.It is spiced with dichos (folk sayings) gathered in the area and is attractively illustrated by Peter Gawenda, who has collaborated with the authors on other works.

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1. Antonio N. Zavaleta, “The Twin Cities: A Historical Synthesis of the Socio-Economic Interdependence of the Brownsville-Matamoros Border Community,” in Studies in Brownsville History, ed. Milo Kearney (Brownsville: Pan American University, 1986), 167.
1. Roberto M. Salmón and Juanita Garza, “The Coahuiltecan Legacy of South Texas,” in Studies in Brownsville History, ed. Milo Kearney (Brownsville: Pan American University at Brownsville, 1986), 36-38.
2. lbid., 38-39.
3. Vernon Smylie, Conquistadores and Cannibals: The Early History of Padre Island (1519-1845) (Corpus Christi: Texas News Syndicate Press, 1964), 13-16; and Walter W. Hildebrand, “The History of Cameron County, Texas,” master’s thesis, North Texas State College, August 1950, 13.
4. J. Lee and Lillian J. Stambaugh, The Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas (Austin: The Jenkins Publishing Co., 1974), 2; and Hildebrand, 12.
5. Hildebrand, 27.
6. Antonio N. Zavaleta, “Resacas and Bancos in Brownsville History,” in More Studies in Brownsville History, ed. Milo Kearney (Brownsville: Pan American University at Brownsville, 1989), 11.
7. Peter Gawenda, “The Valley’s First Settlers,” in Studies in Brownsville History, ed. Milo Kearney (Brownsville: Pan American University at Brownsville, 1986), 58-60.
8. Peter Gawenda, “The Watermaidens,” in Studies in Brownsville History, ed. Milo Kearney (Brownsville: Pan American University at Brownsville, 1986), 61-62.
9. Perer Gawenda, “The Indian Maidens,” in Studies in Brownsville History, ed. Milo Kearney (Brownsville: Pan American University at Brownsville, 1986), 64.
10. Salmón, “The Coahuiltecan Legacy,” 38 and 41.
11. G. C. Parrish, “A History of the Rio Grande Valley Citrus Industry,” master’s thesis for Texas Agricultural and Industrial College, August 1940, 8-9; Hildebrand, 1-3; and Stambaugh, 2.
12. Brian Robertson, Rio Grande Heritage (Norfolk/Virginia Beach, Virginia: The Donning Company, 1985), 16.
13. Minnie Gilbert, “Valley Place-Names: Signposts Rooted in History,” in Gift of the Rio; Story of Texas’ Tropical Borderland, ed. Valley By-Liners (Mission, Texas: Border Kingdom Press, 1975), 5.
14. LeRoy P. Graf, “The Economic History of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, 1820-1875,” Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, February 1942, Fig. 1.
15. Stambaugh, 3.
16. Hildebrand, 4.
1. James Heaven Thompson, “A Nineteenth Century History of Cameron County, Texas,” master’s thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1965, 11.
2. Clotilde P. GarcĂ­a, Captain Enrique Villarreal and Rincon del Oso Land Grant (Corpus Christi: Clotilde P. GarcĂ­a, 1986), 15; and Eliseo Paredes Manzano, Homenaje a los Fundadores de la HerĂłica, Leal e Invicta Matamoros en el Sesquicentenario de su Nuevo Nombre (Matamoros: Impresos Alfa, 1976), 89.
3. Clotilde P. GarcĂ­a, Villarreal, 15.
4. Hubert J. Miller, José de Escandón: Colonizer of Nuevo Santander (Edinburg, Texas; The New Santander Press, 1980), 9 and 11.
5. Graf, 22.
6. Zavaleta, “Twin Cities,” 133.
7. Thompson, 13.
8. Hubert J. Miller, 18.
9. José Raul Canseco Botello, Historia de Matamoros (Matamoros: Litogråfica Jardin, S.A., 1981), 17.
10. Hildebrand, 32.
11. Hubert J. Miller, 30.
12. Florence Johnson Scott, Historical Heritage of the Lower Rio Grande (Waco, Texas: Texian Press, 1965), 106-107.
13. Hubert J. Miller, 36-37.
14. Charles Daniel Dillman, “The Functions of Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Twin Cities of the Lower Rio Grande,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1968, 59.
15. Graf, 22-23.
16. Paredes Manzano, Homenaje, 89.
17. Milo Kearney, “Brownsville’s Santanderino Strain,” in Studies in Brownsville History, Milo Kearney, ed. (Brownsville: Pan American University at Brownsville, 1986), 67.
18. John C. an...
