GRE Reading Comprehension
eBook - ePub
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GRE Reading Comprehension

Detailed Solutions to 325 Questions (Fourth Edition)

Vibrant Publishers

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eBook - ePub
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GRE Reading Comprehension

Detailed Solutions to 325 Questions (Fourth Edition)

Vibrant Publishers

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Über dieses Buch

• Over 325 solved examples to practice and learn.

•Passage summaries to help you understand and interpret different texts.

• Systematic and effective strategies to save time and build confidence.

•Answer Key with detailed explanation for every question.

•Revised and updated content that is in-line with the new GRE guidelines.

GRE Reading Comprehension: Detailed Solutions to 325 Questions is designed to help students analyze and interpret complex and unfamiliar passages in the minimum possible time by employing simple, yet effective test-taking strategies. With over 325 Reading Comprehension questions straddling all possible topics, formats and question types, students get the most intensive practice opportunities to sail through Reading Comprehension questions on the GRE.

Reading Comprehension questions in the Verbal Reasoning portion of GRE are a tough nut to crack because they take up a lot of time and no amount of theoretical knowledge can help ace them. The only way to score well in the RC section is to practice smart (instead of hard) and learn to budget your time wisely and well.

About Test Prep Series

The focus of the Test Prep Series is to make test preparation streamlined and fruitful for competitive exam aspirants. Students preparing for the entrance exams now have access to the most comprehensive series of prep guides for GRE, GMAT and SAT preparation. All the books in this series are thoroughly researched, frequently updated and packed with relevant content. These have been prepared by authors with more than 10 years experience in the field. The simple and well organized format of the books in this series makes studying more efficient and effective.

About Vibrant Publishers

Vibrant Publishers is focused on presenting the best texts for learning about technology and business as well as books for test preparation. Categories include programming, operating systems and other texts focused on IT. In addition, a series of books helps professionals in their own disciplines learn the business skills needed in their professional growth.

Vibrant Publishers has a standardized test preparation series covering the GMAT, GRE and SAT, providing ample study and practice material in a simple and well organized format, helping students get closer to their dream universities.

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