Routledge Library Editions: The Economics and Politics of Oil
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Routledge Library Editions: The Economics and Politics of Oil

Various Authors

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  2. English
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Routledge Library Editions: The Economics and Politics of Oil

Various Authors

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Über dieses Buch

The books in this set, originally published between 1927 and 1996 discuss the oil industry and its impact on the world economy in the twentieth century. The issues of trade, tax and energy policies as well as national security are all relevant to the economics politics of oil and the volumes analyse and discuss:

  • The extent to which American dominance in world affairs is based on the control of oil resources and the changes which will inevitably take place with the end of the oil era.

  • Discernible trends in such crucial areas as global petroleum supply and pricing, and the international economic and political implications of both.

  • The role of wealth maximisation, and wealth satisficing

  • The impact of North Sea oil and gas on the British economy.

  • Relations between oil exporters and importers, and between the USA, Europe and the Arab world

  • The most important strategic issues facing both the producers and consumers of oil and gas.

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