System Independent
eBook - ePub
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System Independent

Success has no territory but the mind

Imane En-Naim

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  1. English
  2. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  3. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub
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System Independent

Success has no territory but the mind

Imane En-Naim

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Über dieses Buch

H uman history is filled with various strategies on how to overcome obstructions. I believe that one of the biggest obstacles that humanity faces nowadays is the entitlement mentality. They are system dependent and yet refuse be the victim of this reliance. With all these emerging economic and political instabilities in the world, we find ourselves trapped in a vicious circle of persistent issues. We spend most of our lives pointing fingers at the highest parts of the hierarchy or anyone in obsession of power, striving for solutions without recognizing the problem. We are emotionally driven creatures, looking forward to justify any action and reaction sensationally. We refuse to take the blame because we are biologically programmed to love ourselves. Therefore, the only escape is to hold responsible anything and anyone but us. The poor believes that the reason for their impoverishment is the rich. The uneducated blames the government for not offering better education at their public schools. The low-paid employee blames his boss for his modest salary, and, of course, the government is held accountable for deducting taxes and privileging company owners over workers. We are constantly waiting for others to accomplish things for us, while all we have always done is: nothing. Governments are the ones usually referred to as "the bad guys, " not offering sufficient jobs, responsible for the ascending cost of living and not paying high salaries to compensate for that cost. Ever wondered why this chaos never ends? What if the problem is not what surrounds you? What if there were benefits immanent, to which we don't pay attention?

In this book, I will introduce you to perception management. The perception that shapes your world and may be the reason why all that you see around, are obstacles and not opportunities. This is a wakeup call to anyone struggling with their lives and cannot overcome stumbling blocks. This book is yours and so is how you perceive it. Stop using your eyes for a moment, and log into your brain for the oncoming pages, the sight is much brighter in there.

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