The Magic of Mindset
eBook - ePub

The Magic of Mindset

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Angela M Clubb

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eBook - ePub

The Magic of Mindset

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Angela M Clubb

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Über dieses Buch

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. By changing your mind, you change your life.

Change is inevitable and usually occurs at the most inopportune times. What if you could control or channel the change in a manner you dictate? What if you could create your ideal life in the way you decide? Would you take the leap of faith or would you roll along the same path hoping and praying things will just work out?

In truth, there is no magic pill to make this happen overnight. However, there is the Law of Attraction (LOA). By understanding the Law of Attraction, you can recode your brain to create the life you desire from losing weight to manifesting money to living the life you have always wanted.

This book will provide you both the understanding and the practical guidance on how the Law of Attraction can change your life. By the end of the book, you will have the confidence to begin your own journey to obtaining anything you can imagine. You are only limited by the limits you put on your mind.

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Let me begin by saying if you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, this book is not going to tell you anything you don’t already know. This book was created for people new to the mindset journey and Law of Attraction.
Now, I am going to tell on myself a bit here for some humor. I heard the term “Law of Attraction” many times in the books I read on manifesting and positive thinking. I used to think it was some formal term about charisma. How I could attract people to me in order to manifest what I wanted.
I was on my journey for several years before I decided to dig a little deeper only to find out that is NOT what the Law of Attraction is at all. I’m not going to go into it now because you will learn plenty about it as you read on but thought some context would be helpful.
I want to send a special thanks to my family who continue to support me as I take my journey in different directions. They may shake their head often at my successes and failures, but they have complete confidence I will come out on top and bring as many people with me as I can.
I also want to thank all of you who have purchased this book. I want to thank you for taking the next step in your life to be who you want to be and do what you want to do. The road can be long and treacherous at times but keep moving forward and prove to yourself that you can do it.



It has always been said that we can change our circumstances and our physical reality as created by our mind; which is the most powerful tool designed by the Universe. Do you believe it? No? Well, let’s see how you feel by the end of the book.
Through this book, my goal is to help you realize how the power of your mind and faith in the Universe can create a life of purpose and happiness. I am a firm believer that we have been blessed in such a way that we can create our reality based on our own will and desires. It only needs some faith, patience, and a ton of gratitude.
As mentioned in the Preface, this book is a guide to help beginners learn how to manifest their dreams. I tried to keep it as simple and relatable as possible. All I ask is for an open mind and belief in yourself. So sit back, enjoy, and believe that what you are seeking is seeking you. Remember, You are in charge of your YOU-niverse.


CHAPTER ONE: The Magic of Change

Sandra’s seen a leprechaun,
Eddie touched a troll,
Laurie danced with witches once,
Charlie found some goblins gold.
Donald heard a mermaid sing,
Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known
I’ve had to make myself.
― Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends

Sometimes, change is inevitable, but often, change is seen as something that makes people uncomfortable. There are many occasions in one’s life when circumstances bring them to a spot where they have no choice but to embrace that change and flow with it. That push, that nudge plays a vital role in bringing us to the place where we are meant to be.
After living my life almost halfway through, I can say that I have learned a lot of things along the way; the most important of them all is that life means change. It is the nature, the law, and how things have been ever since the creation of the Universe. Nothing is constant - nothing apart from change. Some call it evolution, some call it growth or expansion, but whatever it is labeled, change remains constant.
What overwhelms the majority of us is not the fact that change happens, but rather that it comes at the points when we are least expecting it. That is the reason it often leaves us in a state of shock or awe, turning life upside down in many cases. The thing is, it wouldn’t be as effective or essential if it did not make definite or significant differences in our lives. Humans, by nature, are impatient creatures, and if their lives were monotonous and flat, they would be pushed into frustration for eternity. Therefore, change is a necessity in life. I call it magic, a spell that introduces us to the endless possibilities in life. The change could go any way - we can never predict it, nor can we foresee the future. All we can do is, prepare to deal with whatever comes our way.
How can we prepare or at least make sure that the changes which come our way are magical? Well, that is very simple and straight forward; you just relax, be open-minded, and hope for the best. No kidding, fear brings only negativity and bad luck. If we let life flow and stay positive, we will only attract good into our lives.
I have been to numerous Law of Attraction programs and have read countless books and, by now, consider myself a pro at manifesting my desires. I am sure that some of my readers may be completely new to the concept, and perhaps many find the whole idea absurd, but it has changed my life for the better, and it would bring me immense joy if I was able to share some of my knowledge with the beginners. This is going to be “old hat” for you experienced folks.
We get what we believe and wish for, and one does not have to be religious to accept this fact. We are blessed by the Universe when we ask for something as long as you believe and listen. For purposes of consistency, you will hear me reference the Universe. This is a general term to mean God, Universe, the Light, Karma, or any deity of your choosing. Despite the name you choose, there is a strong power at play, and it is way more than you or I could decipher.
Why did I begin this book with the topic of change and not with an introduction to the Law of Attraction? Well, because I am a firm believer that you cannot achieve any goal or desire unless you are ready to accept and embrace change. Change with all its glory and magic can take you to places you can only imagine in your wildest dreams. Before we begin, one thing I clearly want to state here, and I have actually witnessed and experienced it personally, is that everything and anything is possible.
There is no such thing as impossible, period. People, or let’s call it society, may tell you otherwise; but, that is only because they are conditioned that way. We are always taught to live within the Box
to stay the course of societal norms. Have you ever thought about the fact that before all great impulses, medicine, songs, etc. came into existence, somebody dreamed of them or had an image in their heads? For instance, medicines to cure diseases, airplanes and trains, mobile phones, and the internet, all once called “crazy ideas” or impossible, but today are reality. The first step towards accepting and embracing change is the acceptance that whatever you are looking for is real and possible. It is out there and probably seeking you, too. I understand that it is kind of difficult to grasp an idea or the change of perception instantly as we have all been conditioned for years to believe whatever society wanted us to believe. What I can promise you is, if you persist, stay consistent, and keep your mind focused, you will get there sooner rather than later.
Life is about steady, unsurprising examples of progress. The main consistent factor will be our emotions and perspectives toward life. We, as people, have the intensity of demeanor, and that mentality influences decision, and decision determines results. All that we are and all that we can become has, in reality, been left to us to choose and decipher through our demeanor and decisions. The progress depends on how eager we are to bring change in our lives. The decision is ours, and hence we are given free will, the choice to make a change.
Like I mentioned earlier, the world has been in constant movement and a state of change ever since the beginning of humankind. As technology advanced, the changes started to happen more rapidly. It’s natural that many times it becomes challenging to keep up with the changes, but with the right mindset and intentions, you can get there.
Just thinking about accomplishing something isn’t enough. Keeping your desires top-of-mind and keeping a positive mindset is a part of the Law of Attraction. Yet, the main, genuine advance of meeting any objective is choosing what you truly need and make it work. This is often termed as intention setting, and is a HUGE part of the whole process.
In my personal experience and opinion, there is a force that encompasses this world wherein we live, and I am of the conclusion that this force is our own to use as we wish and consistently has been. The issue is, we have resistance towards all the good that we can easily summon into our life, and as a result, we are living our lives loaded with dread, hopelessness, and complacency. Of course, we are surrounded by all the negativity from society when we watch the news, look on the internet, and scroll social media, so why wouldn’t we lean this direction.
Of course, there are times when we are overjoyed with satisfaction and bliss; for example, when we fall in love, graduate from college, get married or have a child. In any case, there is no denying that life, as we probably are aware, appears to be extremely restricted.
We continue questioning it often, “Is this everything to life?” Deep down, we know. We know there is unmistakably more to this world than meets the eye, and we are meant for more. Regrettably, to the vast majority of us, this is it. We are too occupied with our responsibilities and the monotony of life; we learn to live with what we have and stop striving for more as it might be out of what we call, our comfort zone.
Since the beginning of time, there have been individuals who were naturally inquisitive and investigative. They developed the realization that the world is their playground and they can create change using deduction. Indeed, “thinking” things into being with a concentrated, creative mind can shape a ground-breaking and alluring power from which materializing wants is conceivable. Those folks who had thought about the true meaning of life and were able to decode their purpose or life calling, found out somehow that the world becomes what we see it as, as we believe it to be.
To get the life you desire, you must know exactly what you want from life. For example, while traveling, if you didn’t know exactly where you are heading, would you find yourself wandering aimlessly? And who wants to be lost? Nobody right? Deciding where you want to be in life is the first step in achieving it. Once you have made up your mind about it, you have won half of the battle; that’s the real magic.
What is the Law of Attractio...
