The Entrepreneurial Mindset
eBook - ePub

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Preparing Our Next Generation For The Future of Work

Kyle Garman

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eBook - ePub

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Preparing Our Next Generation For The Future of Work

Kyle Garman

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Über dieses Buch

What kind of mindset is needed to thrive in a future being transformed by exponentially advancing technology and threats ranging from COVID-19 to climate change? Answer: The Entrepreneurial Mindset.Many proclaim that STEM education is the best preparation for the 21st century economy. But STEM is not enough. To flourish in the future of work, the 8 domains of The Entrepreneurial Mindset are essential. And the best way for young people to build this mindset is through project-based entrepreneurship education. The Entrepreneurial Mindset explores the intersection between the future of work and education. Readers will be inspired by real-life stories and in-depth research on how?and why?project-based entrepreneurship education changes the trajectories of students' lives. Young people, parents, educators, students, entrepreneurs, investors, business and public sector leaders, school board members and administrators, researchers, and everyone interested in preparing our next generation for the future of work will benefit from this book. The Entrepreneurial Mindset draws upon learning methods and case studies from the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), a nonprofit based in New York City that has reached over 1 million students. All proceeds from the book go directly to NFTE to support its mission.

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