Content Positioned in Google in 3 Steps
eBook - ePub

Content Positioned in Google in 3 Steps

Alvaro Cid, L. Folgar

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  1. 59 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

Content Positioned in Google in 3 Steps

Alvaro Cid, L. Folgar

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Book subtitle:
Book description: I have compared this method, with my way of doing things before and with this method afterwards and have ranked much higher, attracting many more visits to my website. Thanks to this method, save time, effort and energy. By standardizing everything, I allow myself to think less and focus more on my reader. Many people would like to be able to position themselves on Google with their website or blog. The problem is that they don't really know how to do it. Some people have even tried to position themselves with some articles or content but without result. This is the moment when fans leave. Sadly, none of them will ever be able to position an item correctly. This guide will help you position your content in the shortest possible time and following the best practices of Google. I have designed this method based on my experience, my knowledge and the results I have achieved. This method is designed so that anyone, with or without experience, can position their contents in the right way so that they are indexed in a good position and as quickly as possible. The steps to follow are quick and intuitive, anyone can follow them and if you follow it you will be in a better position than the competition in terms of your content and its positioning:
* You will get an effective method replicable in each of your content
* You will find out what is trending and how to position yourself against the competition
* You will be able to improve your content in the eyes of Google and especially your readers
* You will increase your personal brand and your online positioning
* The latter will allow you to gain possible relationships such as jobs and business opportunities Keywords: google, seo, sem, internet, money, earn money, earn money online, digital money

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Chapter 1: The Proven Method

This method combines and collects the techniques that seo professionals use to elaborate their content, optimize it and, therefore, position it more quickly.
I have compared this method, with my way of doing things before and with this method afterwards and have ranked much higher, attracting many more visits to my website. Thanks to this method, save time, effort and energy. By standardizing everything, I allow myself to think less and focus more on my reader.
The system has been created so that you simply have to follow the steps. There are no difficulties, no place for doubt. Simply, take this guide and repeat it as many times as you need.
Now, pour yourself a coffee and prepare your computer, because you will learn a method that will allow you to lighten your writing and content responsibilities, and will allow you to get the positioning you want. In the future, you will have implemented this method so deeply in your way of working that it will already be automatic.


Chapter 2: Synthesis of the Method

This method has three stages, within which there are more points. These three stages are the fundamental ones to carry out this task successfully. They are not necessary anymore and we cannot afford to do less. You must persist with the method until you professionalize it and get the results.
The stages are:

1. Select the keywords:

· Google Trends
· Google Keywords
· Ubbersugest

2. Optimize the content:

· More than 1,000 words
· Google questions and answers
· Keywords in
· Subtitle
· Title H3
· Bold font
· Alt image

3. Linkbuiding:

· Quality vs. quantity
· Important aspects
· Linkbuilding techniques


Chapter 3: Hands to Work!

I present the stages, which are:

1. Select the keywords

Keywords are the terms searched on Google by people when they want to find something they are looking for. Keeping track of the keywords in your niche or sector is essential to gain positions for Google and that people can find you more quickly and more times. Therefore, the choice of the keywords you are going to deal with is very important.
Also, as you know, it is vitally important to write for your reader and not for the Google search engine. That we take into account the keywords that we have to select is one thing and write badly, quickly and only with keywords it makes no sense. To succeed in positioning you have to think about Google fair. We really write for all those who want to listen to us, since we have a message for them, of value and importance.
There are several types of terms depending on their classification that we will review below:
Depending on their agreement, there are broad, exact and phrase terms.
The broad match terms are those that include the keyword to search. For example, if I look for shoes, "blue shoes" or "my shoes feel bad."
The phrase matching terms are those that include the key phrase to be searched in the written order. For example, if I look for "party shoes" I will see "party shoes in Madrid" and not "shoe party" (it's just a visual example, even if it makes no sense).
The exact match terms are those that include the exact phrase or keyword to search. For example, if I search for "party shoes in Barcelona," only "party shoes in Barcelona" will appear.
Why do I explain this? Because it is important to know the types of concordance when understanding what are the long tail or long tail keywords.
The best way to understand this is with an example. Logically, there will be many more searches for "shoes" than for "party shoes." Therefore, from that point of view we would be more interested in positioning "shoes" than "party shoes". However, we must not forget that we are not alone on the internet...
