Yoga For Beginners
eBook - ePub
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Yoga For Beginners

A Simple Guide to the Best Yoga Styles and Exercises for Relaxation, Stretching, and Good Health

Ntathu Allen

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  1. 97 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub
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Yoga For Beginners

A Simple Guide to the Best Yoga Styles and Exercises for Relaxation, Stretching, and Good Health

Ntathu Allen

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Über dieses Buch

Say goodbye to the old, tired, unhappy you. Say HELLO to the new supple, energetic, relaxed you by making yoga a way of life. Frustration and stress come from spending your entire day meeting other people's demands but never taking care of yourself. Now you're about to learn how to start taking amazing care of your own physical and emotional needs in as little as five minutes per day. You'll learn easy restorative yoga poses to strengthen your body and powerful meditation techniques to remove stress for work and home. Just imagine creating your own custom 5-minute yoga routine that allows you to instantly relax, clear your mind, and energize your body—without needing a yoga mat or instructor to show you what to do. In this book, you will discover:

  • Easy and fun yoga poses designed to increase your energy and revitalize your body
  • A series of breathing exercises guaranteed to restore your calm and focus, allowing you to make better and faster decisions without stress or frustration
  • Soothing guided meditations that will support you in obtaining emotional and physical relief from the stresses of daily life
  • Therapeutic, revitalizing yoga practices like the "3 Minute Workstation Yoga" and "Leap Out of Bed Yoga" that is a quick routine that you can easily do to help you be more energized and help you ease the neck pain and stiff shoulders.
  • Plus, you'll learn 5 Great Ways to get a Good Night's Sleep without drugs or alcohol, using scientifically validated techniques that come from the ancient tradition of yoga.

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