It's Not Education that Scares Me, It's the Educators...
eBook - ePub

It's Not Education that Scares Me, It's the Educators...

Is there Still Hope for Democracy in Education, and Education for Democracy?

Paul R. Carr, Gina Thésée

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  1. 325 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

It's Not Education that Scares Me, It's the Educators...

Is there Still Hope for Democracy in Education, and Education for Democracy?

Paul R. Carr, Gina Thésée

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Über dieses Buch

A 2020 SPE Outstanding Book Award Honorable Mention Many people believe that "education" has a disproportionately negative effect on them and those close to them. With so much wealth, technological prowess, innovation, and economic development, why do we still have marginalization, social inequalities, conflict, mass incarceration and generational poverty? The connection to democracy, Education for Democracy (EfD) and social justice is, for Carr and Thésée, clear, and this volume interweaves a narrative within these themes based on a Freirian theoretical backdrop. This book presents a vision for transformative education and EfD, seeking to cultivate, stimulate and support political and media literacy, critical engagement and a re-conceptualization of what education is, and, importantly, how it can address entrenched, systemic and institutional problems that plague society. Based on over a decade of empirical research in a range of contexts and jurisdictions, the authors strive to link teaching and learning with agency, solidarity, action and transformative change within the conceptual framework of a critically-engaged EfD.

Perfect for courses in: Sociology of Education; Social Justice and Education; Democracy and Civics; Community Engagement; Education Policy; Service Learning; Education Reform; Citizenship Education; TransformativeEducation; Politics of Education.

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