Conservative Philanthropies and Organizations Shaping U.S. Educational Policy and Practice
eBook - ePub

Conservative Philanthropies and Organizations Shaping U.S. Educational Policy and Practice

Kathleen deMarrais, Brigette A. Herron, Janie Copple, Kathleen deMarrais, Brigette A. Herron, Janie Copple

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  1. 250 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Conservative Philanthropies and Organizations Shaping U.S. Educational Policy and Practice

Kathleen deMarrais, Brigette A. Herron, Janie Copple, Kathleen deMarrais, Brigette A. Herron, Janie Copple

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Über dieses Buch

A 2021 SPE Outstanding Book Award Winner American public education has been under assault for the last few decades as a "broken" system that needs a complete overhaul. In large part, these opinions are offered by people and organizations who know little about schools. But who are these influencers? This book is about conservative philanthropies, the organizations and individuals within their networks, and the strategies they use to shape educational policy and practice in K-12 and higher education. Each chapter examines a philanthropy, philanthropic network, or corporation focused on pushing an agenda of individualism, privatization, and conservative ideologies. Based in extensive research, including the tax filings of specific philanthropic foundations, the authors demonstrate how the philanthropic elite work within federal, state, and local governmental contexts to influence policy and practice. Within a global context of increasing wealth inequality, the authors question the motivations of these privileged few to withhold tax dollars from the US treasury where duly elected representatives can determine how tax dollars are used to benefit society. By allowing these philanthropic organizations tax exemptions under the guise of assumed benevolence, are citizens giving up their ability to hold these organizations accountable for how the money is spent? This book, aimed at a general audience of educators, provides the in-depth knowledge necessary to understand and resist private control of public policies and institutions. Perfect for courses such as: Politics of Education | Philanthropic Studies | Policy Studies and Higher Education | Social Foundations of Education | Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education | Education Policy Seminar | Sociology of Education | Managing Educational Organizations in a Diverse Society

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