Studying the History of Early English
eBook - PDF

Studying the History of Early English

Simon Horobin

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  1. 168 Seiten
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Studying the History of Early English

Simon Horobin

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Über dieses Buch

All living languages are subject to change, and in this highly accessible handbook, Simon Horobin shows the importance of thinking about why, as well as how, language changes over time. Studying the History of Early English introduces students to the theories and methodologies that underpin the historical study of English. Drawing on a wealth of approaches, textual, historical and sociolinguistic, Horobin provides detailed explanations of key developments in the history of English, in spelling, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary and introduces students to the various ways in which scholars have attempted to explain these changes Lively and original, Studying the History of Early English: - Equips students with key analytical tools and methods for the historical study of English
- Includes practical information on gathering evidence and provides a wealth of worked-through textual examples
- Contains suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter
- Employs a methodological, rather than chronological approach, with each chapter designed to address a specific topic and consider its relevance to the three major periods in the history of English: Old English, Middle English and Early Modern English Perspectives on the English Language is an innovative series of textbooks for the English language student, together forming a wide-ranging course for undergraduate students of English. The basis of the series is a 'core' of three books which together lay the foundations for further study. A set of higher level textbooks builds on these core books by bringing together the latest thinking in a range of topics in English language. Clearly set out and including relevant exercises and questions, they make both the foundations of language and the latest research accessible to a student audience.
Series Editors: Lesley Jeffries and Dan McIntyre.

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