eBook - ePub


The Fight for the Future of Money

J. Christopher Giancarlo

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eBook - ePub


The Fight for the Future of Money

J. Christopher Giancarlo

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Über dieses Buch

An insider's account of the rise of digital money and cryptocurrencies

Dubbed "CryptoDad" for his impassioned plea to Congress to acknowledge and respect cryptocurrencies as the inevitable product of a fast-growing technological wave and a free marketplace, Chris Giancarlo is considered one of "the most influential individuals in financial regulation." CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money describes Giancarlo's own reckoning with the future of the global economy—at the intersection of markets, technology, and public policy—and lays out the fight for a Digital Dollar.

CryptoDad is Giancarlo's own personal story, detailing his forays into the world of Wall Street to his tenure as the 13th Chairman of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), where he pushed for the agency to recognize the digitization of markets. His growing fame as a Twitter presence in this essential debate has given Giancarlo a platform to makes a case for the future of cryptocurrencies as the natural successor to America's current failing financial market infrastructure.

CryptoDad provides readers with:

  • A thorough exploration of digital change and how it affects the lives of everyone in a global economy
  • A revolutionary consideration of regulatory responses to the rapid pace of technological innovation
  • A call to update our aging financial organizations, particularly the infrastructure of money itself, and focus on renewed faith and confidence in free market innovation
  • A foreword by Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, two of the biggest names in cryptocurrencies

CryptoDad argues that the next digital wave will be the coming Internet of Value, where cryptocurrencies will do the Internet of Information did to immaterial things: make them accessible, distributable, and movable instantly across the globe. This book is an ideal introduction to the importance of technology in the marketplace.

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