eBook - ePub
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Hany Sakr, MD

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  1. 456 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
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eBook - ePub
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Hany Sakr, MD

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Über dieses Buch

For many years, we have noticed the lack of a concise, yet comprehensive, "question-and-answer style" book that thoroughly covers hematology, hematolymphoid neoplasms, and coagulation disorders and renders them in an easy and digestible manner to the busy hematopathologists and fellows in training. There are many excellent textbooks written by experts in the field, which are indispensable. However, and for sake of board exam cramming, these may not be the preferred source for studying. Most of the available hematology question books are case series-based, and the authors refrain from following or maintaining a board-exam style. Our Hematopathology Q Bank: Board-Style Review will be the first Q bank in the field that comprehensively covers adult and pediatric disorders in hematology, hematopathology, and coagulation subspecialties. The book falls in eleven chapters and includes 380 written questions (without images), 230 question with high-resolution images, nearly 100 short case series and case studies, and 40 tables, charts, and algorisms. The contents cover both benign (reactive) and neoplastic conditions in hematopoietic and lymphoid systems, hematology-related cytology and FNA challenging cases, flow cytometry, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics. This is in addition to coagulation disorders and some laboratory management. The bank is full of interpretation rules and differential-diagnosis tables and fact sheets for easy board cramming. Materials have been derived from up-to-date textbooks including the revised fourth edition of WHO classification of hematopoietic and lymphoid tumors, articles, and real-time cases encountered in the laboratory.

It is our sincere hope that this hematopathology review book fills a gap in field, and that hematopathology fellows in training and attending clinical pathologists find it a wealth of up-to-date information presented in an easy way. We hope they find this "Q bank" of utmost benefit in preparing for exams including both clinical pathology and hematopathology-subspecialty exams.

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