Advanced Introduction to Marketing Strategy
eBook - PDF

Advanced Introduction to Marketing Strategy

George Day

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eBook - PDF

Advanced Introduction to Marketing Strategy

George Day

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Über dieses Buch

Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.This visionary book presents a systematic, next-generation approach to marketing strategy, demonstrating how success is gained and sustained via continuous innovation to create new value for customers. George S. Day develops the outside-in approach to formulating strategy, while providing compelling insights into key market stakeholders to illustrate how to sustain customer value leadership in the face of mounting market turbulence. Key features: • Provision of customer, consumer, and competitor perspectives to help innovate new customer value and grow faster than the market• Advances in the outside-in approach to marketing strategy formulation, applying developments from supportive organizational cultures, dynamic capabilities, market orientation, and design thinking• Deep insights into the evolution and progress of marketing over the past 50 years, to help marketers better anticipate and prepare for new organizational realities, emerging digital technologies, and proliferating market uncertaintiesThe forward-looking marketing approaches explored in this Advanced Introduction ensure that the book will be an essential resource for students in MBA, EMBA, and Executive Education programs. Its innovative perspectives on strategy formulation and implementation will also benefit academics and practitioners in the fields of marketing, management, strategy development, and innovation.

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