Team Emotional Intelligence 2.0
eBook - ePub

Team Emotional Intelligence 2.0

The Four Essential Skills of High Performing Teams

Jean Greaves, Evan Watkins

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  1. English
  2. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
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eBook - ePub

Team Emotional Intelligence 2.0

The Four Essential Skills of High Performing Teams

Jean Greaves, Evan Watkins

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Über dieses Buch

As organizations shift to depend more on team-based structures, the pressure to develop high-performing teams is more critical than ever. In the modern work environment, teams are expected to embrace change, navigate complexity, and collaborate well under pressure ?all while delivering exceptional results and forming productive relationships.

While it is crucial to have talented, bright people within a team, there is a dynamic that is even more essential to overall team effectiveness. This dynamic is "Team Emotional Intelligence" (Team EQ). While most people are familiar with emotional intelligence (EQ) when it comes to individuals, the power of how EQ relates to the entire team has not been well-understood until now.

Insights from the latest research on team emotional intelligence and TalentSmartEQ's research trends from working with over 200 teams (with 2000+ team members) combine to bring EQ know-how to the team level. Team Emotional Intelligence 2.0 delivers practical strategies and showcases how an emotionally intelligent team is far more than the sum of its parts. This book focuses on the four key skill areas of Team EQ: Team Emotion Awareness, Team Emotion Management, Internal Team Relationships, and External Team Relationships, and it delivers 55 strategies and a step-by-step process for increasing team EQ skills so team leaders and anyone who's a member of a team can achieve peak performance and reach their goals.

Dr. Greaves, Evan Watkins, and their contributing team of experts begin with a life and death story of team failure that illustrates how emotions can drive team decisions and lead to disaster. They share a proven approach to helping teams understand Team EQ skills, build these skills into strengths, and use them to sustain positive momentum and achieve peak performance. Strategies for remote and hybrid teams working virtually offer targeted approaches to bonding, communicating, tough conversations, and decision making as modern workplaces transform. Like she did with the best-selling Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (at 2 million copies sold and counting), Dr. Greaves and her team take complex concepts and translate them into easy-to-understand skills that can be used immediately and developed further over time. As organizations increasingly rely on getting work done through teams, the understanding and development of team EQ skills is more relevant and impactful than ever.

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