The Geeky Chef Cookbook
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The Geeky Chef Cookbook

Real-Life Recipes for Your Favorite Fantasy Foods - Unofficial Recipes from Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and more

Cassandra Reeder

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  1. 144 Seiten
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Nur im Web verfügbar
eBook - PDF
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The Geeky Chef Cookbook

Real-Life Recipes for Your Favorite Fantasy Foods - Unofficial Recipes from Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and more

Cassandra Reeder

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Über dieses Buch

You've watched the TV shows and movies, played the video games, and read the books. Now it's time to level-up your geek factor…into the kitchen. From Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, The Hunger Games, and Star Trek to Super-Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and World of Warcraft, The Geeky Chef Cookbook is the nerd's favorite strategy guide for tackling dinner. A self-proclaimed nerd with a fondness for cooking, author Cassandra Reeder, creator of The Geeky Chef blog, has thoroughly researched every dish to make the final product look and taste as close to the source material as possible. With easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and fun themed photos, these simple recipes will soon have you unlocking achievements in the kitchen, no matter if you're cooking for yourself, a friend, or even a viewing party. Includes over 60 delectable, ethereal, and just plain odd—yet truly delicious— recipes that you can re-create right in your own home. If you'd like to make a dish that looks as great IRL as it does in game, this is the book for you.A perfect holiday gift for gamers, dorks, and budding chefs, The Geeky Chef Cookbook blends technique, style, flare and charm into a tasty treat.With vibrant colors, these dishes will level you up to the hostess-with-the-mostest for game nights or dinner parties. Let your love for sci-fi or fantasy shine with The Geeky Chef series by creating food and drinks from your favorite shows, movies, and video games. Your cool, homemade, fiction-themed spread will make you the life of the party. Incredibly fun and creative, and colorfully designed, The Geeky Chef books make the perfect gift for the geek in your life who lives in a world of their own.
Other titles in this series include: Geeky Bartender Drinks, Geeky Chef Cookbook, Geeky Chef Drinks, and Geeky Chef Strikes Back.
So if you've ever found yourself thirsting for Lon Lon Milk, drooling over Pumpkin Pasties, or being a tad bit curious about Cram, this cookbook is for you. Fantasy foods are fantasy no longer! Raise your cooking game to boss-level proportions with The Geeky Chef Cookbook.

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