Edgar Allan Poe
eBook - ePub

Edgar Allan Poe

The master of modern melancholia


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eBook - ePub

Edgar Allan Poe

The master of modern melancholia


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Über dieses Buch

Keen to learn but short on time? Find out everything you need to know about the life and work of Edgar Allan Poe in just 50 minutes with this straightforward and engaging guide! Edgar Allan Poe was one of the most significant and enduring figures of the literary scene in 19th-century America. He was one of the first American authors to attempt to make a living solely by writing, with mixed success, and he was a pioneering influence in the development of a number of modern genres, including horror, fantasy, science fiction and detective fiction. Although he is best known for the Gothic-inspired atmospheres and the darkness that permeated his work, he was also a profoundly rational, methodical writer, who eschewed the tradition of populating fantastic fiction with supernatural creatures in favour of a more psychological brand of horror. This innovative style has been an inspiration for countless writers, poets and artists, cementing Poe's legacy as a key figure in literary history. In this book, you will learn about: •Poe's most famous works, including The Fall of the House of Usher and The Murders in the Rue Morgue
•The literary movements and earlier writers who influenced his work and ideas
•His personal life, including the misfortune that plagued him and inspired some of his best-known works ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Art & Literature The Art & Literature series from the 50Minutes collection aims to introduce readers to the figures and movements that have shaped our culture over the centuries. Our guides are written by experts in their field and each feature a full biography, an introduction to the relevant social, political and historical context, and a thorough discussion and analysis of the key works of each artist, writer or movement, making them the ideal starting point for busy readers looking for a quick way to broaden their cultural horizons.

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