SQL Server Integration Services Using Visual Studio 2005
eBook - ePub
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SQL Server Integration Services Using Visual Studio 2005

Jayaram Krishnaswamy

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  1. 320 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub
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SQL Server Integration Services Using Visual Studio 2005

Jayaram Krishnaswamy

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Über dieses Buch

In Detail

Sql Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a comprehensive ETL tool that made its debut with SQL Server 2005. It is a tool tightly integrated with the Visual Studio 2005 having all the functionalities that its forerunner DTS (Data Transformation Services) had in SQL Server 2000. This does not mean that it is just an improvement over DTS but a product which is totally different with a vastly improved interface; an extensible architecture; an enlarged tool set; ease of integration with other SQL Server Tools such as Analysis Services; capable of supporting connectivity with third party databases and bringing into a central location many database management tasks.

The Beginners Guide to SQL Server Integration Services Using Visual Studio 2005 provides you with the basic knowledge that you should have before you move on to more advanced ETL [Extraction, Transformation, and Loading]. The book will also provide you with a comprehensive description of the many designer windows that you may encounter while working with the designer.

This guide provides you with the blocks to build a complete package. It describes each block using examples as well as detailing the nuts and bolts that hold the blocks in place. The majority of SSIS tasks are covered in this book, which are described in full in the summary of Table of Contents. You will start building packages right from Chapter 2 and continue on to Chapter 20 gathering and building upon your knowledge in each step.

This guide provides a detailed understanding of how tasks are designed by way of an example as well as describing the nuts and bolts that are used in configuring them. The majority of SSIS tasks are covered in this book and they are described fully in the summary of table contents section


Beginners Guide to SQL Server Integration Services Using Visual Studio 2005 provides you with the basic knowledge that you should have before you move on to more advanced ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading). In each chapter you will get a little background of the SSIS task that you are going to create. You will then step through the numbered steps, creating, configuring, executing, and reviewing the results. The book has minimal coding (only two chapters) and exclusively uses the Visual Studio 2005 Designer.

Who this book is for

This book is written for beginners in the developer track who are looking to get an exposure to SQL Server Integration Services; DBA's who are testing water with the Visual Studio IDE but without a wide programming experience; SQL 2000 Data Transformation Services users who are trying to move into SQL Server 2005 Integration Services; Microsoft programming professionals in Small Businesses who wear multiple hats (jack of all) - developer, programmer, and dba with a little bit of experience in each of these.

It is expected that you know how to manipulate window objects, like clicking; dragging and dropping; using contextual help, tabbing, etc. It is also expected that you are exposed to SQL Server database basics and that you understand connecting to a database server; querying the database; reviewing objects; displaying and reviewing properties of objects, etc. Very little coding skill is assumed except that you can logically follow a fully commented code.

This book is ideal for trainers who may want to teach an introductory course in SQL Server Integration Services or, to those who want to study and learn SSIS in a little over two weeks.

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