Augmented Reality with Kinect
eBook - ePub

Augmented Reality with Kinect

Rui Wang

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  1. 122 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Augmented Reality with Kinect

Rui Wang

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Über dieses Buch

In Detail

Microsoft Kinect changes the notion of user interface design. It differs from most other user input controllers as it enables users to interact with the program without touching the mouse or a trackpad. It utilizes motion sensing technology and all it needs is a real-time cameras, tracked skeletons, and gestures.

Augmented Reality with Kinect will help you get into the world of Microsoft Kinect programming with the C/C++ language. The book will cover the installation, image streaming, skeleton and face tracking, multi-touch cursors and gesture emulation. Finally, you will end up with a complete Kinect-based game.

Augmented Reality with Kinect will help you get into the world of Kinect programming, with a few interesting recipes and a relatively complete example. The book will introduce the following topics: the installation and initialization of Kinect applications; capturing color and depth images; obtaining skeleton and face tracking data; emulating multi-touch cursors and gestures; and developing a complete game using Kinect features.

The book is divided in such a way so as to ensure that each topic is given the right amount of focus. Beginners will start from the first chapter and build up to developing their own applications.


This book is a mini tutorial with plenty of code examples and strategies to give you many options when building your own applications.

Who this book is for

This book is meant for readers who are familiar with C/C++ programming and want to write simple programs with Kinect. The standard template library can also be used as it is simple enough to understand.

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Augmented Reality with Kinect

Table of Contents

Augmented Reality with Kinect
About the Author
About the Reviewers
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What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
1. Getting Started with Kinect
Installation of Kinect
Setting up your Kinect software on PCs
Why did I do that?
The idea of the AR-based Fruit Ninja game
2. Creating Your First Program
Preparing the development environment
Building the Visual Studio project
Starting the device
Initializing and using Kinect in C++
Understanding the code
Additional information
3. Rendering the Player
Choosing image stream types
Obtaining color and depth images
Drawing color and depth as textures
Understanding the code
An incorrect way to combine depth and color
A traditional way for background subtraction
Understanding the code
Aligning color with depth
Generating a color image from depth
Understanding the code
Additional information
Using a green screen with Kinect
Making a magic photographer
Understanding the code
Additional information
4. Skeletal Motion and Face Tracking
Understanding skeletal mapping
Obtaining joint positions
Drawing the skeleton
Understanding the code
Drawing the linetrails following the hands
Drawing the path for specified joints
Understanding the code
Face tracking in Kinect
Detecting a face from the camera
Detecting and drawing the face rectangle
Understanding the code
Constructing the face model
Drawing the parametric face model
Understanding the code
5. Designing a Touchable User Interface
Multitouch systems
Locating the cursors
Drawing cursors from two hands
Understanding the code
Additional information
Common touching gestures
Recognizing holding and swiping gestures
Drawing cursors using two hands
Understanding the code
Additional information
Sending cursors to external applications
Emulating Windows mouse with cursors
Understanding the code
6. Implementing the Scene and Gameplay
Integrating the current code
Integrating existing elements in a scene
Understanding the code
Cutting the fruits
Adding and handling fruit objects
Understanding the code
Playing the game
Adding simple game logic
Understanding the code
Additional information
A. Where to Go from Here
libfreenect – the pioneer of Kinect middleware
OpenNI – a complete and powerful Kinect middleware
Free and open source resources
Commercial products using Kinect

Augmented Reality with Kinect

Copyright © 2013 Packt Publishing
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Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: July 2013
Production Reference: 1040713
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-84969-438-4
Cover Image by Suresh Mogre ()


Rui Wang
Ricard Borràs Navarra
Vangos Pterneas
Acquisition Editor
Kartikey Pandey
Commissioning Editors
Llewellyn Rozario
Priyanka Shah
Technical Editors
Sumedh Patil
Aniruddha Vanage
Copy Editors
Insiya Morbiwala
Alfida Paiva
Laxmi Subramanian
Project Coordinator
Amigya Khurana
Maria Gould
Rekha Nair
Abhinash Sahu
Production Coordinator
Conidon Miranda
Cover Work
Conidon Miranda

About the Author

Rui Wang is a Software Engineer at Beijing Crystal Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (Crystal CG), in charge of the new media interactive application design and development. He wrote a Chinese book called OpenSceneGraph Design and Implementation in 2009. He also wrote the book OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Beginner's Guide in 2010 and OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Cookbook in 2012, both of which are published by Packt Publishing and co-authored by Xuelei Qian. In his spare time he also writes novels and is a guitar lover.

About the Reviewers

Ricard Borràs Navarra has always been working around computer vision and machine learning. He started creating machines that apply pattern recognition to quality assortment in the cork production industry. Later, he applied these techniques for human tracking in complex scenarios, creating audience measurement, and people-counter solutions for retail stores.
With the eruption of Kinect, he started working on and deploying augmented reality interactive applications based on this great device. These applications were targeted at the marketing and retail sectors.
All these projects were developed by him as an Inspecta ( employee. Also, Ricard has developed several freelance projects based on augmented reality.
Vangos Pterneas is a professional Software Engineer, passionate about natural user interfaces. He has been a Kinect enthusiast ever since the release of the very first unofficial SDKs and has already published a couple of commercial Kinect applications.
He has worked for Microsoft Innovation Center as a .NET developer and consultant and he's now running his own company...
