Scratch 2.0 Beginner's Guide Second Edition
eBook - ePub

Scratch 2.0 Beginner's Guide Second Edition

Michael Badger

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  1. 296 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

Scratch 2.0 Beginner's Guide Second Edition

Michael Badger

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Über dieses Buch

The book uses step-by-step instructions along with full code listings for each exercise. After each exercise, the author pauses to reflect, explain, and offer insights before building on the project. The author approaches the content with the belief that we are all teachers and that you are reading this book not only because you want to learn, but because you want to share your knowledge with others. Motivated students can pick up this book and teach themselves how to program because the book takes a simple, strategic, and structured approach to learning Scratch. Parents can grasp the fundamentals so that they can guide their children through introductory Scratch programming exercises. It's perfect for homeschool families. Teachers of all disciplines from computer science to English can quickly get up to speed with Scratch and adapt the projects for use in the classroom.

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Scratch 2.0 Beginner's Guide Second Edition

Table of Contents

Scratch 2.0 Beginner's Guide Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
Why Subscribe?
Free Access for Packt account holders
What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
Time for action – heading
What just happened?
Pop quiz – heading
Have a go hero – heading
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
Downloading the color images of this book
1. Welcome to Scratch 2.0
About Scratch
Encouraging everyone to think programmatically
Sample Scratch uses
Computational thinking
Finding a project for you
Making animations
Telling stories
Building games
Programming games of chance
Creating art projects
Sensing the real world
Programming concepts
Using Scratch 2.0
Looking inside a Scratch project
The stage area
The sprites pane
The scripts area
The built-in image editor
Using Scratch 2.0 offline
Encountering Scratch 1.4
Tinkering encouraged
2. A Quick Start Guide to Scratch
Joining the Scratch community
Time for action – creating an account on the Scratch website
What just happened?
Time for action – understanding the key features of your account
What just happened?
Abiding by the terms of use
Creating projects under Creative Commons licenses
Finding free media online
Taking our first steps in Scratch
Time for action – moving the cat across the stage
What just happened?
Using events to trigger an action
Have a go hero – testing the move block
Time for action – animating a walking motion with the cat
What just happened?
Understanding the basics of a Scratch Project
Saving early, often, and automatically
Time for action – saving our work
What just happened?
Undoing a deletion
Introducing forever loops
Time for action – setting the cat in motion, forever
What just happened?
Controlling a sprite with loops
Time for action – flipping the cat right-side up
What just happened?
Clicking on a block runs the command
Have a go hero – exploring sprite rotation
Adding sprites to the project
Time for action – adding a second sprite and script
What just happened?
Reviewing a video-sensing project
Time for action – reviewing pop the balloon - video starter
What just happened?
Sensing video
Have a go hero – remixing ideas with our starter project
Pop quiz – getting started with Scratch
3. Creating an Animated Birthday Card
Introducing the paint editor
Time for action – painting a happy birthday sprite
What just happened?
Changing the size of a bitmap image
Choosing bitmap or vector images
Time for action – drawing a vector image
What just happened?
Changing the size of the vector image
Reviewing the image editing tools
Erasing in the vector mode
Filling the stage with color
Time for action – using the fill with color tool to paint the stage
What just happened?
Adding gradients
Time for action – applying a gradient
What just happened?
Time for action – adding more sprites to address the card
What just happened?
Initializing a sprite's starting values
Time for action – hiding all sprites when the flag is clicked
What just happened?
Time for action – displaying happy birthday
What just happened?
Specifying memorable names and comments
Time for action – renaming sprites
What just happened?
Inserting comments into our code
Time for action – adding comments to a script
What just happened?
Transforming sprites with graphical effects
Time for action – transforming sprites
What just happened?
Graphical transformations
Comparing the repeat and forever blocks
Time for action – turning m in a circle
What just happened?
Have a go hero – cleaning up the animations
Time for action – making a sprite fade in with the ghost effect
What just happened?
Two ways to control timing
Have a go hero – animating the butterfly
Pop quiz – reviewing the chapter
4. Creating a Scratch Story Book
Designing the outline of a barnyard joke book
Time for action – designing a clickable table of contents
What just happened?
Time for action – adding pages to the book
What just happened?
Time for action – adding a sprite to the Backpack
What just happened?
Using the Backpack to store sprites and scripts
Building a joke with say blocks and sounds
Time for action – making a horse talk with the say block
What just happened?
Time for action – synchronizing and animating the horse
What just happened?
Time for action – importing a horse sound
What just happened?
Playing supported sound formats
Positioning a sprite by its coordinates
Time for action – moving the dog based on x and y coord...
