Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j
eBook - ePub

Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j

Sumit Gupta

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eBook - ePub

Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j

Sumit Gupta

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Über dieses Buch

If you are a Python developer and want to expand your understanding of Python-based web applications over Neo4j graph data models, this is the book for you.

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Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j

Table of Contents

Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j
About the Author
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Downloading the example code
1. Your First Query with Neo4j
Thinking in graphs for SQL developers
Comparing SQL and Cypher
Evolving graph structures from SQL models
Licensing and configuring – Neo4j
Licensing – Community Edition
Licensing – Enterprise Edition
Installing Neo4J Community Edition on Linux/Unix
Installing as a Linux tar / standalone application
Installing as a Linux service
Installing Neo4j Enterprise Edition on Unix/Linux
Using the Neo4j shell
Introducing the Neo4j REST interface
Authorization and authentication
CRUD operations
Running queries from the Neo4j browser
2. Querying the Graph with Cypher
Basic anatomy of a Cypher query
Brief details of Cypher
Cypher execution phases
Parsing, validating, and generating the execution plan
Locating the initial node(s)
Selecting and traversing the relationships
Changing and/or returning the values
The structure of Cypher
The read operations
The create or update operations
The delete operation
Pattern and pattern matching
Sample dataset
Pattern for nodes
Pattern for labels
Pattern for relationships
Pattern for properties
Using the where clause with patterns
Using patterns in the where clause
Using general clauses with patterns
The order by clause
The limit and skip clauses
The WITH clause
The UNION and UNION ALL clauses
Working with nodes and relationships
3. Mutating Graph with Cypher
Creating nodes and relationships
Working with nodes
Single node
Multiple nodes
Node with labels
Node with properties
Working with relationships
Single relationships
Multiple relationships
Relationships with properties
Nodes and relationships with full paths
Creating unique nodes and relationships
Working with constraints
Transforming nodes and relationships
Updating node properties
Updating a label
Updating relationships
Cypher query optimizations
Index sampling
Understanding execution plans
Analyzing and optimizing queries
4. Getting Python and Neo4j to Talk Py2neo
Installing and configuring py2neo
Installing py2neo
Exploring the py2neo APIs
Creating a social network with py2neo
Batch imports
Unit testing
5. Build RESTful Service with Flask and Py2neo
Introducing (and installing) Flask
Setting up web applications with Flask and Flask-RESTful
Your first Flask application
Displaying static content
Displaying dynamic content
Your first Flask RESTful API
JSON processing
REST APIs for social network data using py2neo
ORM for graph databases py2neo – OGM
Social network application with Flask-RESTful and OGM
Creating object model
Creating REST APIs over data models
6. Using Neo4j with Django and Neomodel
Installing and configuring Neomodel
Declaring models and properties
Defining nodes
Defining properties
Persisting and querying a social data model
Adding relationships to models
Running Cypher queries
Using Neomodel in a Django app
Signals in Neomodel
7. Deploying Neo4j in Production
Neo4j logical architecture
Record files
Transaction logs
Core Java API
Traversal framework
Neo4j physical architecture
High availability
Fault tolerance
Data replication and data locality
Advanced settings
Monitoring the health of the Neo4J nodes
Neo4j browser
JMX beans
Backup and recovery

Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: July 2015
Production reference: 1100715
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78398-398-8


Sumit Gupta
Adarsh Deshratnam
Gianluca Tiepolo
Tsanyo Tsanev
Manuel Vives
Commissioning Editor
Kunal Parikh
Acquisition Editor
Larissa Pinto
Content Development Editor
Anish Sukumaran
Technical Editors
Novina Kewalramani
Ryan Kochery
Manal Pednekar
Copy Editors
Vikrant Phadke
Alpha Singh
Project Coordinator
Izzat Contractor
Safis Editing
Rekha Nair
Production Coordinator
Aparna Bhagat
Cover Work
Aparna Bhagat

About the Author

Sumit Gupta is a seasoned professional, innovator, and technology evangelist, with over 100 months of experience in architecting, managing, and delivering en...
