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Alan Melville

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  1. 624 Seiten
  2. English
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eBook - PDF
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Alan Melville

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Über dieses Buch

“It’s simply peerless – there’s no other book with this range of coverage and this amount of class questions. Melville deserves its place as the UK’s leading tax textbook” Christopher Coles, University of Stirling

“The book fits very well with the content and learning objectives of taxation modules” Gwen Hannah, University of Dundee

Now in its 21 st annual edition, Melville’s Taxation continues to be the definitive, market-leading text on UK taxation. This text serves as a comprehensive guide for students taking a first level course in the subject. Featuring clean, uncluttered prose and a wealth of immensely practical examples, this edition brings the book completely up to date with the provisions of the Finance Act 2015.

Comprehensively updated to reflect the Finance Act 2015, including:

This book will be of value to both undergraduate and professional students of business and accounting, and will be particularly useful for students preparing for the following examinations:

ICAEW Professional Stage, Principles of Taxation; Taxation; ACCA Fundamentals Level, Taxation; ACCA Technician Scheme, Foundations in Taxation;CIPFA Diploma Stage, Public Finance and Taxation; AAT Level 4 Diploma, Personal Tax and Business Tax; ATT Certificates, Personal Taxation;Business Taxation and Accounting Principles; AIA Foundation Level, Auditing and Taxation; IFA Level 4, Tax for SMEs.

Visit for our suite of resources to accompany this textbook, including a complete solutions guide and Powerpoints slides for each chapter; opportunities for extra practice, and links to relevant web pages.

Alan Melville FCA BSc Cert Ed. is a best-selling author. Previously a Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, he has many years’ experience of teaching accounting and financial reporting.

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