Machine Learning with R - Second Edition
eBook - ePub

Machine Learning with R - Second Edition

Brett Lantz

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  1. 452 Seiten
  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Machine Learning with R - Second Edition

Brett Lantz

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Über dieses Buch

About This Book

  • Harness the power of R for statistical computing and data science
  • Explore, forecast, and classify data with R
  • Use R to apply common machine learning algorithms to real-world scenarios

Who This Book Is For

Perhaps you already know a bit about machine learning but have never used R, or perhaps you know a little R but are new to machine learning. In either case, this book will get you up and running quickly. It would be helpful to have a bit of familiarity with basic programming concepts, but no prior experience is required.

What You Will Learn

  • Harness the power of R to build common machine learning algorithms with real-world data science applications
  • Get to grips with R techniques to clean and prepare your data for analysis, and visualize your results
  • Discover the different types of machine learning models and learn which is best to meet your data needs and solve your analysis problems
  • Classify your data with Bayesian and nearest neighbor methods
  • Predict values by using R to build decision trees, rules, and support vector machines
  • Forecast numeric values with linear regression, and model your data with neural networks
  • Evaluate and improve the performance of machine learning models
  • Learn specialized machine learning techniques for text mining, social network data, big data, and more

In Detail

Updated and upgraded to the latest libraries and most modern thinking, Machine Learning with R, Second Edition provides you with a rigorous introduction to this essential skill of professional data science. Without shying away from technical theory, it is written to provide focused and practical knowledge to get you building algorithms and crunching your data, with minimal previous experience.

With this book, you'll discover all the analytical tools you need to gain insights from complex data and learn how to choose the correct algorithm for your specific needs. Through full engagement with the sort of real-world problems data-wranglers face, you'll learn to apply machine learning methods to deal with common tasks, including classification, prediction, forecasting, market analysis, and clustering.

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Machine Learning with R Second Edition

Table of Contents

Machine Learning with R Second Edition
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1. Introducing Machine Learning
The origins of machine learning
Uses and abuses of machine learning
Machine learning successes
The limits of machine learning
Machine learning ethics
How machines learn
Data storage
Machine learning in practice
Types of input data
Types of machine learning algorithms
Matching input data to algorithms
Machine learning with R
Installing R packages
Loading and unloading R packages
2. Managing and Understanding Data
R data structures
Data frames
Matrixes and arrays
Managing data with R
Saving, loading, and removing R data structures
Importing and saving data from CSV files
Exploring and understanding data
Exploring the structure of data
Exploring numeric variables
Measuring the central tendency – mean and median
Measuring spread – quartiles and the five-number summary
Visualizing numeric variables – boxplots
Visualizing numeric variables – histograms
Understanding numeric data – uniform and normal distributions
Measuring spread – variance and standard deviation
Exploring categorical variables
Measuring the central tendency – the mode
Exploring relationships between variables
Visualizing relationships – scatterplots
Examining relationships – two-way cross-tabulations
3. Lazy Learning – Classification Using Nearest Neighbors
Understanding nearest neighbor classification
The k-NN algorithm
Measuring similarity with distance
Choosing an appropriate k
Preparing data for use with k-NN
Why is the k-NN algorithm lazy?
Example – diagnosing breast cancer with the k-NN algorithm
Step 1 – collecting data
Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data
Transformation – normalizing numeric data
Data preparation – creating training and test datasets
Step 3 – training a model on the data
Step 4 – evaluating model performance
Step 5 – improving model performance
Transformation – z-score standardization
Testing alternative values of k
4. Probabilistic Learning – Classification Using Naive Bayes
Understanding Naive Bayes
Basic concepts of Bayesian methods
Understanding probability
Understanding joint probability
Computing conditional probability with Bayes' theorem
The Naive Bayes algorithm
Classification with Naive Bayes
The Laplace estimator
Using numeric features with Naive Bayes
Example – filtering mobile phone spam with the Naive Bayes algorithm
Step 1 – collecting data
Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data
Data preparation – cleaning and standardizing text data
Data preparation – splitting text documents into words
Data preparation – creating training and test datasets
Visualizing text data – word clouds
Data preparation – creating indicator features for frequent words
Step 3 – training a model on the data
Step 4 – evaluating model performance
Step 5 – improving model performance
5. Divide and Conquer – Classification Using Decision Trees and Rules
Understanding decision trees
Divide and conquer
The C5.0 decision tree algorithm
Choosing the best split
Pruning the decision tree
Example – identifying risky bank loans using C5.0 decision trees
Step 1 – collecting data
Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data
Data preparation – creating random training and test datasets
Step 3 – training a model on the data
Step 4 – evaluating model performance
Step 5 – improving model performance
Boosting the accuracy of decision trees
Making mistakes more costlier than others
Understanding classification rules
Separate and conquer
The 1R algorithm
The RIPPER algorithm
Rules from decision trees
What makes trees and rules greedy?
Example – identifying poisonous mushrooms with rule learners
Step 1 – collecting data
Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data
Step 3 – training a model on the data
Step 4 – evaluating model performance
Step 5 – improving model performance
6. Forecasting Numeric Data – Regression Methods
Understanding regression
Simple linear regression
Ordinary least squares estimation
Multiple linear regression
Example – predicting medical expenses using linear regression
Step 1 – collecting data
Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data
Exploring relationships among features – the correlation matrix
Visualizing relationships among features – the scatterplot matrix
Step 3 – training a model on the data
Step 4 – evaluating model performance
Step 5 – improving model performance
Model specification – adding non-linear relationships
Transformation – converting a numeric variable to a binary indicator
Model specification – adding interaction effects
Putting it all together – an improved regression model
Understanding regression trees and model trees
Adding regression to trees
Example – estimating the quality of wines with regression trees and model trees
Step 1 – collecting data
Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data
Step 3 – training a model on the data
Visualizing decision trees
Step 4 – evaluating model performance
Measuring performance with the mean absolute error
Step 5 – improving model performance
7. Black Box Methods – Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines
Understanding neural networks
From biological to artificial neurons
Activation functions
Network topology
The number of layers
The direction of information travel
The number of nodes in each layer
Training neural networks with backpropagation
Example – Modeling the strength of concrete with ANNs
Step 1 – collecting data
Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data
Step 3 – training a model on the data
Step 4 – evaluating model performance
Step 5 – improving model performance
Understanding Support Vector Machines
Classification with hyperplanes
The case of linearly separable data
The case of nonlinearly separable data
Using kernels for non-linear spaces
