ArcGIS By Example
eBook - ePub

ArcGIS By Example

Hussein Nasser

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  1. 258 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

ArcGIS By Example

Hussein Nasser

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Über dieses Buch

Develop three engaging ArcGIS applications to address your real-world mapping scenarios

About This Book

  • Design, build and run ArcGIS applications using ArcObjects SDK
  • Extend ArcGIS objects and use add -ins to deploy applications on top of ArcGIS
  • An example-centric practical guide to help you understand mapping scenarios with ArcGIS

Who This Book Is For

If you are an application developer and wish to enhance your skills for the GIS domain with ArcGIS, then this book is for you. Previous experience with ArcGIS is not required.

What You Will Learn

  • Use essential ArcGIS code to query geodatabases
  • Communicate with ArcGIS maps, with the help of critical designing and optimisation tips
  • Highlight and interact with objects on your map
  • Query ArcGIS geodatabases with related data to display your information on ArcGIS
  • Edit your underlying geodatabase
  • Explore strategies for the adaptation of various types of spatial analysis techniques into the GIS framework
  • Analyze tools for Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing
  • Experience ArcGIS's advanced tools for manipulation of shapefiles and geodatabases

In Detail

ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) for working with maps and geographic information. It is considered the turnkey solution to creating and sharing interactive maps. ArcGIS is designed to work the way you work. With nothing to install and set up, ArcGIS helps you make your work productive from day one.

The book covers the design and development of three ArcGIS applications to guide the readers in crafting their own GIS solution as per their requirements. The book begins by giving you a refresher on the concepts of ArcGIS. Without wasting any time, you'll begin with developing your first ArcGIS application. You will be developing a cell tower analysis tool. Following this, you will be guided through mapping signal strength and real - time manoeuvring in your GIS system. You will then move on to the second application of the book: a restaurant mapping system. The application will allow tourists to browse restaurants on a map, according to their preferences. Next, you will learn how to work with reviews and ratings and also cover some of the advanced searching options offered by ArcGIS. You will then make use of advanced ArcObjects to develop your third application: an excavation planning manager. The book will conclude by teaching you how work out excavation cost calculations and also saving and retrieving your excavation designs.

Style and approach

The book offers an enhanced way of learning ArcGIS, through the design and development of three applications throughout its length. In addition to this the book also covers features that you can add to your application as you develop each one covered in the book.

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ArcGIS By Example

Table of Contents

ArcGIS By Example
About the Author
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What this book covers
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Who this book is for
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Downloading the example code
1. Getting Started with ArcGIS
The history of ArcGIS
An introduction to ArcGIS for Desktop
ArcGIS for Desktop licenses
The system requirements of ArcGIS for Desktop
The important concepts of ArcGIS for Desktop
The ArcGIS geodatabase
Working with the map layers
Customizing ArcGIS for Desktop
The system requirements of ArcObjects
Verifying the installation of ArcObjects
App 1 – the cell tower analysis tool
App 2 – the restaurant mapping application
App 3 – the excavation planning manager
2. App 1 – the Cell Tower Analysis Tool
An introduction to ArcGIS add-ins
Creating the Hello, ArcGIS add-in project
Preparing the TelZaViBa data and code
Preparing the geodatabase
Preparing the map document
Preparing the TelZaViBa add-in project
Displaying the range of each tower
Querying features
The topological operators and graphic elements
Drawing the tower range based on the attribute value
Drawing the range attribute
Drawing the range for all towers
3. Mapping Signal Strength
Adding a point to the map
The ArcGIS coordinate system
Adding the find closest tower tool
Creating a marker point
Finding the distance between two points
Finding the distance between two towers
Finding the distance between the point and a tower
Finding and highlighting the closest tower
Finding the closest tower
Highlighting the closest tower
Displaying the signal strength
4. Real-time Maneuvering
Adding real-time cell phone simulator button add-ins
Creating a map point from the x and y coordinates
Reading and mapping external GPS point coordinates
Reading external GPS coordinates
Mapping GPS coordinates
Enabling signal maneuvering and highlighting the active tower
Loading the GPS file
Enabling maneuvering with a timer
Highlighting the selected tower and displaying signal strength
5. App 2 – Extending ArcObjects
Extending ArcObjects
Preparing the geodatabase and map for bestaurants
Preparing the bestaurants project
Adding the restaurants mapping toolbar
Adding the restaurants viewer button
Adding the button
Assigning a button to the toolbar
Querying the subtypes of restaurants
A geodatabase workspace
Populating subtypes
Finding restaurants in a subtype
6. Reviews and Ratings
Introducing relationships
The reviews and ratings table
Querying reviews and ratings
Retrieving related records
Calculating the average rating
Highlighting restaurants
The ArcGIS Display object
Highlighting features
Filtering restaurants on the map
7. Advanced Searching
Querying the regions
Connecting to the region's geodatabase
Populating the regions
Finding restaurants in a region
Spatial queries
Populating restaurants in a region
Adding the search textbox in the toolbar
Real-time search and filtering
8. App 3 – Advanced ArcObjects
Geodatabase editing
Preparing the data and project
Preparing the Yharnam geodatabase and map
Preparing the Yharnam project
Adding the new excavation tool
Adding the excavation editor tool
Adding the excavation manager toolbar
Creating excavation features
Using the rubber band to draw geometries on the map
Converting geometries into features
Viewing and editing the excavation information
9. Excavation Cost Calculation
Preparing the excavation cost calculator
Creating the excavation cost calculator class
Calculating the soil type removal cost
Calculating the tree removal cost
Calculating the number of trees
Calculating the tree removal cost
Estimating the final cost
10. Saving and Retrieving Excavation Designs
Preparing the design table
Creating the design manager
Adding the design manager button
Preparing the design manager form
Creating a new design
Saving multiple excavations
Opening existing designs
The LoadDesign method
Loading excavations
Loading trees
Calculating the design cost
Using the filter map to show only design excavation
Deleting designs
Deleting an excavation
Deleting a design
Generating the excavation design report
Searching for the design

ArcGIS By Example

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Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
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