Learning Android Game Development
eBook - ePub
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Learning Android Game Development

Nikhil Malankar

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  1. 238 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub
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Learning Android Game Development

Nikhil Malankar

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Über dieses Buch

Learn the art of making Android games and turn your game development dreams into realityAbout This Book• Leverage the latest features of Android N to create real-world 2D games• Architect a 2D game from scratch and level up your Android game development skill• Transition from developing simple 2D games to 3D games using basic Java code Who This Book Is ForIf you are a mobile developer who has basic Java programming knowledge, then this book is ideal for you. Previous Android development experience is not needed; however, basic mobile development knowledge is essential.What You Will Learn• Understand the nuts and bolts of developing highly interactive and interesting games for Android N• Link the interface to the code used in games through simple methods• Interact with the images on the screen and also learn to animate them• Set and save the game state and save high scores, hit points, and so on for your games• Get a grasp of various collision techniques and implement the bounding box technique• Convert your 2D games to 3D games using Android N• Get an understanding of the process of UI creation using Android StudioIn DetailIn this book, we'll start with installing Android studio and its components, and setting it up ready for Android N. We teach you how to take inputs from users, create images and interact with them, and work with sprites to create animations. You'll then explore the various collision detection methods and use sprites to create an explosion. Moving on, you'll go through the process of UI creation and see how to create buttons as well as display the score and other parameters on screen.By the end of the book, you will have a working example and an understanding of a 2D platform game like Super Mario and know how to convert your 2D games to 3D games.Style and approachThis easy-to-understand guide follows a step-by-step approach to building games, and contains plenty of graphical examples for you to follow and grasp quickly, giving you the chance to implement the concepts practically.

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