The Hippie Guide to Climbing Corporate Ladder and   Other Mountains
eBook - ePub
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The Hippie Guide to Climbing Corporate Ladder and Other Mountains

Skip Yowell

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  1. 256 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub
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The Hippie Guide to Climbing Corporate Ladder and Other Mountains

Skip Yowell

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Über dieses Buch

From small-town Kansas boy to adventure-junkie extraordinaire to respected mountaineer, this funky and funny read traces Skip Yowell's (Co-Founder of JanSport) unorthodox journey to the top of the outdoor industry.

Full of offbeat details and photos from Skip's adventures around the world, he lets it all hang out as he offers you a rare behind-the-scenes look at the three hippies who built a successful company during the Summer of Love... how their good vibrations continue to change an entire industry... and why breaking the rules and taking good care of their customers keeps JanSport at the top of their game.

No question, Skip's story will take you higher. He'll show you the ropes for whatever mountain you face. Whether he's drinking "Commie beer" in Ohio or slurping yak butter tea in China, this book will get under your skin and into your heart. And who knows, his story might just kick-start your dreams.

So go ahead. Get the book (and another for your friend). Find a chair or couch or park or plane. Get comfortable. Be inspired. Then go climb your own mountain.

"Skip's account of the founding of JanSport wreaks of honesty, humor, and enough anecdotes to stir a memory in almost anyone who has spent time outside. His tale takes you from a small room above a transmission shop to a global enterprise and packs enough adventures to keep the fire stoked and the beer on ice for hours."? Larry Burke, Editor-in-Chief, Outside Magazine

"This amazing book chronicles the life of Skip Yowell, a man who climbed the corporate ladder not in a suit and tie, but in hiking boots and with a backpack. He did so in style, and had tons of fun doing it. He stayed true to himself, maintained friendships, traveled the world and most importantly, preserved his passion for his job.... We can all learn something from Skip, who started building backpacks from scratch and created a company that is now a giant in the industry. His honesty and passion for life are his priority, which all of his friends and business associates can attest to. The world would be a better place with more people like Skip Yowell. I am proud to have him as my friend and encourage you to get to know his story! You will be inspired."? Ed Viesturs, First American to climb all fourteen 8, 000 meter peaks, Author of No Shortcuts to the Top

"I wish this enlightening book had been available 30 years ago. The inspiration I have derived from it now would have been welcomed then. Like a new band without a 'label' (either style or record company), with originality and dedication it shows how JanSport forged their own way and set the high marks for others to strive for. This 'how it was done' book should be read by all aspiring musicians, for the principles of success are universal and are defined within."? John McEuen, Founding Member of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

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